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Stop Snitchin - but on some gangsta ish


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ahahaha snitchin. Sit your ass down in a jail or prison or tell on somebody. That person you told on, his crew, his cousins and his family are all liable to shoot you in the ass when they catch up with ya. Plus nobody will want to fuck with you noways.

You snitch you might as well pack it up and move.

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like all faggot snitches he probably thought he was doing the right thing by taddle-tailing.

now he's all laid-up in the burn ward like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


i might have read it wrong, but it was over a bicycle.


this is elementary shit gone horribly wrong. we used to just beat the kids ass.



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I hope these adolescents get as much time in jail the law allows. And then, I hope they get passed around jail like the coward bitches they are.

Punch and KO the snitch fucker, don't set the poor bastard on fire.

These kids (judging by their given names) seem like they've all got shit for parents. Denver Colorado Jarvis??!!Jeremy Jarvis??!!

Fuckn' darkies; color me black if they aren't.

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They should be tried as adults and spend 10 years or so in jail, snitching is fucked up but they went way overboard setting the kid on fire. Hell all it says is he reported the bike stolen didn't say he gave the names of the kid who stole it, if they are fucking stupid enough to get caught with stolen goods then it is their dumbass fault

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some kids shouldnt be allowed to listen to gangster rap









do they still make gangster rap?



also this shit happened in florida. wtf is up with crazy news stories always coming from either florida or germany?


haha what the fuck

In my current issues class we play some game called germany or florida

and you guess f the news story came from ermany or florida


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"I would rat anyone out, even my friends"


Yeah, really good points noone could possibly argue with you about :lol: :lol:


Whose quote is that?


Seriously dude if you're going to try and drag my name through the mud in different threads across the board cause you're mad....You should at least quote something I actually said, You won't though because then you couldn't play your internet snitch card.


Here's a song that reminds me of internet gangsta bitches playing that hard role online like yourself...Check it out, this ones for you Aye Bee.

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I wouldn't take the fall for anyone, I don't give a fuck who you are...If you're in the wrong and you want me to take your case, best believe I'm ratting your ass out...What kind of friend lets their friend go to jail for them??? Seriously? You can call me a snitch or whatever, but fuck you if you think I'm going down for some shit you did.


You're a fucking snitch. You've openly stated it, but somehow you still try and deny it

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