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armand hammer

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im sitting here in college writing essays on some fags from the tate britain ..and much to my frustration the tate modern. now my course is meant to mainly consist of hands on painting,sculpting and screen printing .


however this is not the case , yes i have done alot of work for the start of the term but what i was not informed of was that i had to take a buisness skills and I.T course aswell this consists of writing essays,studying over blown media whore "artists".


it makes me sick to think the youth of today will grow up thinking people like banksy(i know im not original by hating on him but fuck it.)jeff koon andy warhol and tracey emin are the great artists of their time.


the entire educational system and tight jean wearing leather jacket gelled up hair faggot art industry can pull down my pants play with my balls and slide my dick down its throat while i shit on a giant metal rabbit and burn a paper mache egg man.


so im sitting here with wu tang in my ears weed breath and stroking the start of a mustache wich i have yet to shave typing this timid rant and wondering what college is like for the assholes on here?..yes i have also taken into mind that most people on here dropped out of college etc a long time ago or have finished and are now busy reading this and checking out their shiny wood floors with a sense of great pride as they get ready to comment on this misspelled , punctuational error ridden little rant.


comment if you will..your experiences or whatever..peace.


i have missed you ch0..

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You want to be one of these "art fags".

But you dont want to read or write about them

get a real job you fucking hippy...


just man up and do it, with everything you do in life there's gonna be negative points.

good luck with that though, sounds gay

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Academics need their false idols, having them acknowledge real immortals isn't important at all and I prefer it that way.

That's one reason I say fuck an art school, even if you want to do canvases the only thing you'll learn in any art school

is how that degree you worked so hard to earn isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Drop out, do art if that's what you want, besides, the only classes worth a damn there are the ones you are complaining about.

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Just to be clear, I'm not condoning being a thugged out art fag hater or suggesting you paint commuter trains exclusively to keep it real.

Do what you want, good blue collar jobs rule though when it comes to providing $ and you'd be surprised how sitting behind a desk

using visual communications formulas for a living can drain you creatively.

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Although Ive always liked this Banksy quote "The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit."


Art has become a pointless argument like Religion and Politics. Its never ending, no one is ever right/wrong/ or happy with end result, and the ideas usually expressed are done after at least 3 drinks.

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so im sitting here with wu tang in my ears weed breath and stroking the start of a mustache wich i have yet to shave typing this timid rant


this sums it up.....you belong in art school with all the rest of the idiots that think they are original, and until you stop bitching about the rest of the world and just do your own thing no one is going to care about your "timid rants."


ps. lay off the gravity bong and go ride a bike, you'd be surprised at how much your missing

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it makes me sick to think the youth of today will grow up thinking people like banksy(i know im not original by hating on him but fuck it.)jeff koon andy warhol and tracey emin are the great artists of their time.





Out of the people mentioned, Wu-Tang are the only great artist of their time. All college professors should know this by now.


College = perpetual debt fest.

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this sums it up.....you belong in art school with all the rest of the idiots that think they are original, and until you stop bitching about the rest of the world and just do your own thing no one is going to care about your "timid rants."


ps. lay off the gravity bong and go ride a bike, you'd be surprised at how much your missing






pretty much nailed it.

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i dont want to be an art fag.. id rather live in a box with 3 paintbrushes and a bag full of paint..money isnt to high on my list of things i want in life...im just sick to death of over hyped shit..


haha ive been doing this lately, well i mean i moved a few times recently lost a lot of my paint supplies and use weird things as substitutes.

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So are you studying to be an artist? What do you want to do with yourself when you get out of school? If it is work in galleries, be a professional artist, or represent artists --then you better fucking shut up and start letting people put their cocks down your throat while YOU play with THEIR balls.


From what I've seen of the "art world" it's about as real as government cheese compared to fresh Mozzarella. I have a friend who writes articles for artsy fartsy magazines, hangs out with a bunch of young hip New York artists and works with major galleries. She's a great person and friend, but that's not my world. Trust me, she's smart, has a good sense of humor, and can get in the gutter. She's good at crossing sides of the street. She's always getting us on guest lists for MOMA and all that shit. So I've been invited to parties where it's mostly art educated people hob nobbing each other all night with how much they know. People love to name drop and talk about random Danish performance artists who do things like hold an arrow at their chest for 20 mins, then scream for 5 mins before sitting down and staring at their hand. Oh, and they did it while wearing nothing but a fire engine red t-shirt. Pure Genius! Eh.


To me, all of that shit seems really fucking fake and I rarely meet someone who's friendship I actually trust. I've had herbie looking fucks say "are you an artist?" before I could even say "Hi I'm Earl." One time I had someone introduce me to a stranger as "This is Earl, he's a graphic designer, he designs skateboards." Then that person took my girlfriend and ran away leaving me alone with this stranger. It was like a fucking interview that went like this.


Stranger: "So you're a graphic designer?"


Me: "No, not really."


Stranger: "Where do you work?"


Me: "I work for an advertising agency up in midtown."


Stranger: "Oh really, do you design for them?"


Me: "No, I work with contract control and trafficking.


Stranger: "Oh. So you do skateboards on the side?"


Me: "No, I did that once for a friend who's company folded."


Stranger: "Oh."


Me: "Yeah, look I don't know why the fuck she introduced me like that. I'm not an artist, I'm not a designer, I'm just a drunk. I'm going to go grab another drink. Nice meeting you."




I mean I love conversation as serious as it can get, but for the most part I get annoyed when it's just pretentious self gratifying bullshit banter. Sometimes it gets to be too much, and my ADD retarded inner voice has an anxiety attack. Then I start rolling my eyes unconsciously and making stupid comments.


Stranger: "Oh when Betsy Kriedlberg did that one show in the courtyard, with the chair and ball of twine. Oh that defined art for me!"


Me: "Yeah, but she's no Shel Silverstein!"



But anyways, don't expect to escape any of this if you're looking for a career in the art world. I don't care if you're going to paint graffiti care bears and blow up in Paris with the hip young cool global art crowd. You're going to have to deal with the same fake snake in the grass bullshit. I've gone to graffiti artist's gallery shows, and you can feel the same bullshit energy in the air.


What's really bad is the modern art that sucks and hangs in no name galleries. A friend of your friend is friends with the artist and invites you. You go because there is free booze, but show up too late and the two 12 packs those cheap fucks bought are gone. So now you're stuck in a room of people who suck at art, don't know anything about art, but are all friends and love to blow each other behind closed gallery doors. So you have to sit there and pretend you like this shitty "art," while people stand around with their "intellectual" game face on saying things like "I really like the depth in his gradients with the composition and contextual definition. He really grasp the emotion I'm feeling while looking at it. He's really great don't you think?"


AHHHH FUCK YOU! He used a spackle knife with some yellow paint and Heinz ketchup! There is no gradient you dumb twat!



At the same time there are a ton of great people doing fun and exciting things. You'll probably just have to deal with a lot of bullshit to find that core, depending on where you are living.


That's my fucking two cups of coffee one bowl pack rant.

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yeah i wouldnt mind a normal job n all bye some shit and have a chill life but i gots no qaulifications in shit so im pretty much fucked unless i stick to this faggotry ..anyway post your own experiences n whatnot if need be..i dont care




This is a heap of bullshit, a cop-out.

If you hate art school so much drop out and goto a trade school.

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Here is my experience, get shit job, work ass off even though the pay is shit, get recognized as hard worker by others, get invited into better jobs, work ass off there and repeat and profit.

<---Certified Blue Collar Baller.



Honestly, I know of very few people who went to art school doing well.

Photography maybe but art wise no.

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