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everyday life tips and tricks


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you are an alcoholic and need to drink every night...


Be active

Ride a bike


Do pushups etc..

IF you cant sleep....

Buy some melatonin...


Its great to wake up without a hang over..

Start the next day early and go from there and be productive.. This is the most efficient way to cut down on drinkin



Also...talk to strangers and get the jist of what peopl are like..You can tell who's phon and who real..


Make eye contact with people when you speak to them, good for jobs.


Dont buy coffee at starbucks, buy a thing of maxwell house or chockfull of nuts...


Set two alarms in The morning, For instance one for 8:30 and one for 9:15....Wake up at 8:30 and lay in bed till 9:15.


Dont eat shitty food, the expensive shit is worth it.


stay away from fast food.


If you are unemployed and cant find shit to do go outside and explore shit..GO places you have never been..it's better than wasting time inside and having that become a routine


Be posiitive.. about everything..

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I can't tell you what I learned from school but

I could tell you a story or two, um

Yeah, of course I learned some rules

Like don't pass out with your shoes on

(Get the Sharpie!)


And don't leave the house 'til the booze gone

(No, we're not leaving)

And don't have sex if she's too gone

When it comes to condoms put two on

(Trust me)

Then tomorrow night find a new jawn


Hold the beer bong, nothing wrong with some fun

(Here, hold this)

Even if we did get a little bit too drunk

Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted

Woke up today and all I could say is

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i was told the other day..that when u eat, you should drink room temperature water..or possibly a warm/hot tea.

as explained,while eating, your stomach becomes like a fire to help digest foods, and when u douse this fire with iced drinks, the cold will put out the fire, thus slowing down the digestion process.

didnt do any further reading on it, but it kinda sounded like it made sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
when your at the atm and theres a bunch of recipts, look through em quick and take any that have super amounts of cash, put them in your pocket for later... when your out and about and a girl asks for your number write it on the recipt and just say oh this is all i got in my pocket, lady thinikin you got cash=calls

genius :D

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take a clean tube sock...fill it with rice.( you can add an herbal type tea bag..or herbs themselves..depending on preference

keep this in your freezer (in a freezer storage bag to prevent any other smell from permeating it)

when you have a sore neck/ankle/knee...tired eyes..just bring out sock from freezer and i will mold around sore spots.

--or you can warm it in the microwave...for a heat compress/cramos or what not.

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If you ever visit a friend/bitch at a college..take alot of toilet paper from the bathroom for your place. You can also get free cleaning supplies and shit like that.


Alot of grocery stores get fresh bread delivered around 5 am. I'll leave it at that.


On the flip side, a lot of bakeries that bake their own bread and pastries throw anything that didn't sell out that day to make space for the next day's production. Usually this stuff is at worst very slightly stale...

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There was a guy up here (at a university) whose senior project was living off of food disposed at night by local restaurants. He went to the restaurants and asked them for the food to be disposed of, and usually was given the food. Made an A on the project and didn't get sick, even when he had to dumpster dive for the food (which was rare).


Be polite to everyone you can. There is a very good chance you will see them again at some point and if you made a good impression it might work out in your favor.

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