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Stacked over $10k

Had a murderer sleep on my couch

Been raided by undercovers

Been to jail

Graduated from college

Almost qualified for MENSA

A job making 37$ an hour

A tattoo



Been to Mexico

Been to New York

Gotten married

Eaten fish

Caused a car accident

Drank in almost 2 years

Done drugs in over 2 years

Figured out the key to happiness

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Whats need about the Basketball shit? I just never liked basketball


The police car story is some serious once in alife time type shit.

Basically where I work at does like special installations with cars and such

Well the State police had something done to a Charger and for some reason my boss

asked me to run the car back to the Po Po HQ. So short story long, I got to drive a fucking

State troopers brand new Charger. Besides running red lights and exceding the speed limit while i was on my merry way i happen to spot a City coppa on the other side of the road and thought id be a mind fuck to him so I stuck him the finger and man that mother fucker looked baffled. It was probably one of the coolest days ive had at work, but ive gotten to do some sweet shit

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I have:


- stolen someones identity on 12oz without using cyber technology


I have not:


- lied about anything iv ever written on 12oz. FACT.
















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That was a copy/paste/delete fail.

I was asking about the driving a cop car story, not about not liking basketball.

I never really gave a shit about basketball either.

Never really gave a shit about sports in general.


Yeah when i saw that i was like... ok I understand the Police Car shit is a head scratcher but is it that hard not to understand someone not likeing Basketball.


And I mean Baseball and football are my shit but theyre are way too many people who are way too into that shit, espicially something they have no control over. Saying shit like, man ''WE lost last night.'' Nah, a bunch of overpaid gorillas didnt bring theyre A game while you watched that shit on your couch


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-had my lighter stolen by Nick Cage

-survived a tsunami

-"liberated" something from every single job i have ever had

-stolen a beer from a well known tv / radio presenter

-had a b-list, gay, celebrity try and come on to me (nohomo).


have not:

-binge drinked.

-paid for food for an entire year

-paid for my 12oz VIP (untill it runs out, then ill buy my way back in)

-ever been fired

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I have:

Lost 10 thousand dollars in the stock market.

Lived in Israel for two years.

Saw a cat get run over by a truck.

Dated a girl who was injured in a suicide attack the year before.

Ate a whole pizza at the age of 7.

Had a fist fight with twins, who had 20lbs on me each, and won. (freshman year of hs)

Lived in 6 different states and one country before I graduated high school.

Got a rare bacterial infection from chinese food and was called by the CDC.

Drank a whole bottle of 80 proof grapa and didn't get drunk.


I have not:

Eaten pig, rabbit, shell fish or any other non-kosher animal.

Scuba dived.

Gone sky diving.

Done any illegal drugs.

Been arrested (but close).

Ever been knocked out.

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made jon stewarts lunch (grilled mahi)

eaten donuts out of a dunkin donuts dumpster after they have closed

given false information to a cop while i was picked up with no ID on me, and got away

puked on someone elses table at a diner all over their meal

been in the world trade center towers

had a cast on both my left wrist and right hand at the same time



Have Not:


done a fire extinguisher tag

packed a lunch to work in 3 years

sucked on a girls toes

been to a professional football game

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Eaten Lobster

Had a kid

Painted passenger trains

Been in the newspapers for graffiti

Moved out of home

Had police shout me cigarettes

Seen sharks in the wild

Held a police officers glok


Have not-


Had anal sex

Been bashed

Been robbed

Got any savings

Travelled overseas without family

Gotten a tattoo

Done enough graffiti to satisfy me



p.s i like the one about someone saving a dudes life, thats dope

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