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kid gets 8 years for graffiti..


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I have a mental "no-fly" list of buildings I won't write on, but I do my best to not force my personal views in this department on others. Well, with one exception.


A few years ago when I was living in SF, I was in bed reading a book (school night) when some asshole starts doing a fill about a foot under my open bedroom window. I snuck out my side gate and dropped a three foot tow chain I used to lock my bike when I was about eight feet from him...I didn't recognize him, and when he saw me he turned white as a sheet and ran off. I went inside, grabbed a can, and wrote "COME BACK AND FINISH THIS, FAGGOT....I DARE YOU" inside his fill.


He never came back, and my roommates thought the whole thing was pretty funny. I wish I could have videotaped that.



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What would you expect to happen if you painted under an open street level window with the lights on before midnight on, say, a Tuesday? Warm cookies and milk? Blowjobs?


I dropped a chain and gave the kid a chance to run, I could have just as easily fucked him up. One of my friends said it was a dick move, I agreed and said "in that case I'm going to come do a fill under YOUR window tonight, let's see how you react."

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I have a mental "no-fly" list of buildings I won't write on, but I do my best to not force my personal views in this department on others. Well, with one exception.


A few years ago when I was living in SF, I was in bed reading a book (school night) when some asshole starts doing a fill about a foot under my open bedroom window. I snuck out my side gate and dropped a three foot tow chain I used to lock my bike when I was about eight feet from him...I didn't recognize him, and when he saw me he turned white as a sheet and ran off. I went inside, grabbed a can, and wrote "COME BACK AND FINISH THIS, FAGGOT....I DARE YOU" inside his fill.


He never came back, and my roommates thought the whole thing was pretty funny. I wish I could have videotaped that.



funny I caught someone on my fire escape this weekend doing a fill, and I didnt think shit of it, I actually just walked up to the window, obviously he didnt know what the deal was and tore ass down the stairs..pretty funny.. i was actually gonna tell dude to put me up.



but yeah what you did was pretty hypocritical, ha..

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What would you expect to happen if you painted under an open street level window with the lights on before midnight on, say, a Tuesday? Warm cookies and milk? Blowjobs?


I dropped a chain and gave the kid a chance to run, I could have just as easily fucked him up. One of my friends said it was a dick move, I agreed and said "in that case I'm going to come do a fill under YOUR window tonight, let's see how you react."


Haha, I was kidding. I thought the red text was a dead give away.

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but yeah what you did was pretty hypocritical, ha..


I see it as he was being disrespectful and stupid and I taught him a lesson. If he had the sense to do it at 3 am when the lights were out and the window was closed and I was asleep, I would have said "D'OH' and let it slide. Even if he had just caught a tag when I was up, same thing. But if I have to huff your stupid paint because you can't be bothered to look up and see that the fucking window is wide open then yeah, we got a problem.


I don't know if it counts but he was wearing nuthuggers and had a funny haircut.

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i say fuck a church and all that jebus bullshit, and a hospital, if these fuckin white bitch ass preists can fuck lil kids for years and years and not get caught for like 25 yrs then fuck that church, all people in church do is look down on other people for not going to church, and a hospital, people can still drugs and shit and infect people with hepititus but we cant bomb em...fuck that, and fuck the judge and the cops that caught him, let the tables be turned on them and see how they like it

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I've caught hands on deep urban churches, but I mean the type that you can't even tell what's good until you drive by the next day and see "Church of Christ" in little reflective letters stickered next to the door.


I actually like the architecture on older churches as well, as in I actually think they are "pretty buildings" regardless of religious politic bullshit, so I steer clear...

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Please feel free to call her a skank bitch whore bag, and support people who get screwed because they can't put money in her pockets.





I don't think e-mailing a judge calling her a "skank, bitch, whorebag" is very smart.

I also don't see it getting anywhere with trying to talk sense into her.


I do recomend emailing her from the view of a Joe Citizen and telling her in a civil way how fucked up she is for doing that to this kid, and how the punishment doesn't fit the crime. And how the only "example" that she's making to her community is that writing on inanimate objects is worse than manslaughter, rape, armed robbery and in some cases murder".

That's what I did anyways.

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What would you expect to happen if you painted under an open street level window with the lights on before midnight on, say, a Tuesday? Warm cookies and milk? Blowjobs?

I see it as he was being disrespectful and stupid and I taught him a lesson. If he had the sense to do it at 3 am when the lights were out and the window was closed and I was asleep, I would have said "D'OH' and let it slide. Even if he had just caught a tag when I was up, same thing. But if I have to huff your stupid paint because you can't be bothered to look up and see that the fucking window is wide open then yeah, we got a problem.


I don't know if it counts but he was wearing nuthuggers and had a funny haircut.




What an idiot.

I would have dropped the chain on his head.

Or snuck around and beat him with it, then took his paint.

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I've caught hands on deep urban churches, but I mean the type that you can't even tell what's good until you drive by the next day and see "Church of Christ" in little reflective letters stickered next to the door.




I've accidentally done this due to being shitfaced.


Then you see it the next day and you're like "D'OH!"

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That email address is to the District court. How did a District court sent him to prison for 8 years? District here handles misdemenors. All District could do is bound him over to Circuit court where the real fuckin goes down


the fuck type lawyer did he have? A drunk one? I would appeal that shit over incompetent representation.


And why anybody is painting on houses or churches is beyond me. Theres plenty of abandoned empty

everything else that you wouldnt even have to think about writing on even an abandoned church or house

in the first place.

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When I was like 16 I caught a tag on a building that turned out to be a shitty little urban church. I ended up writing next to it "Sorry, didn't know it was a church".


This, of course, made it more of a bitch to clean, but made me feel beter





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