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family guy sucks. this makes it worse


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I never knew so many people didn't absolutely love family guy. I never met anybody in real life that wasn't a huge fan. I mean, everybody has their likes and dislikes, but I think anybody that doesn't like it must be cursed with an unexciting, stale personality and boring sense of humor.


Or just can't hold their attention to something for more than 30 seconds...Or can't handle actual momemntum when making a joke for a bigger punchline...I mean I like the show all right but I can only watch like one episode at a time before it becomes overdone.

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I never knew so many people didn't absolutely love family guy. I never met anybody in real life that wasn't a huge fan. I mean, everybody has their likes and dislikes, but I think anybody that doesn't like it must be cursed with an unexciting, stale personality and boring sense of humor.



You seem confused. People who like this show, have a boring personality, they are unexciting and stale. They dont have the brain function to enjoy a show with more complex plots and humor. Its the same reason a dog loves playing fetch for hours, its the same mundane activity maxing out the creatures brain activity. Family guys is teh fetch for mundane, slow humans.


I bet you like Dane Cook as well.

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HAHAHA, the reason they try to make jokes on family guy is because its a threat. And your brain is too slpw if you think family guy is just random flashbacks. Family guy is on 3 seperate channels. theres a reason for that. cuz they can keep on selling it cuz people watch it no matter how many times youve seen it.



The ignorant views of some. People are retards, thats wy things like family guy survive, why dane cook is still around. Why tyler perry keeps making movies. People are retards. to quote kyle 'yeah, 1/4 of americans are retards, lets take a poll, there are 4 of us, you're a retard, thats 1/4"

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it's like they said 'ok, people casually watch this show all the time, and people are starting to forget how bad family guy slammed us, how can we turn this show right back around in the shitter? oh yeah, a ton of fucking obvious plot twists so the dumber viewers feel better about themselves, and let's make a spinoff with a painfully obvious slapped together premise, and some kids that came from nowhere. hell, let's even totally use the idea for a talking pet'


it's like the writers WANT to be sucking cock for rock on the street in less than a year's time.

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You seem confused. People who like this show, have a boring personality, they are unexciting and stale. They dont have the brain function to enjoy a show with more complex plots and humor. Its the same reason a dog loves playing fetch for hours, its the same mundane activity maxing out the creatures brain activity. Family guys is teh fetch for mundane, slow humans.


I bet you like Dane Cook as well.


Sorry, Dane Cook is the worst comic out there. Everybody who I was talking about who enjoys family guy are all people with college educations, good jobs, and people that lack no obvious signs of common sense. It's the different kind of humor that the show has that is appealing. I can't think of another show that was ever made that's close to its style. But, I love the fact you'll jump quick to judge someones whole being, on a show they enjoy.


I bet you watched Friends.

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it's like they said 'ok, people casually watch this show all the time, and people are starting to forget how bad family guy slammed us, how can we turn this show right back around in the shitter? oh yeah, a ton of fucking obvious plot twists so the dumber viewers feel better about themselves, and let's make a spinoff with a painfully obvious slapped together premise, and some kids that came from nowhere. hell, let's even totally use the idea for a talking pet'


it's like the writers WANT to be sucking cock for rock on the street in less than a year's time.



Exactly. On average, I only watch this show like once every couple months. That might be the reason I enjoy more the most.

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It's hardly a surprise that Stewie is gay, it isn't like anyone didn't see that coming


I have spells where I like The Simpsons and Family Guy but they just both get boring, it is the Same with Southpark, The newer Southpark seasons are better but they had a run of a few seasons that were just boring - but that can be said of all the long running cartoons, it is hard to keep them fresh and relevant


I do like some of the randomness of Family Guy its makes entertaining viewing while stoned or drunk, but I'm not the sort of person that will rewatch something that I have previously seen, I have a friend that watches Family Guy over and over again, once u have seen a joke once it then isn't funny, you know the punchline - I don't see the point, it's why I don't buy DVDs, I don't watch films that I have seen before over and over unless it has been years and years and years since I last saw it and it is something very special - and I can't think of anything that falls into that category right now

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