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Please God, freeze this planet and kill all of mankind.

earl broclo ESQ

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Are the kids asked questions about current social, economic, political opinions and solutions like the "adult" pageants do? Is the intelligence and global knowledge level about the same?



Kind of, but on and obvious kid level. I didn't see any question/answers though. From what I saw, the oldest girls were 7. They all acted like little babies though, like a spoiled 7 year old who needs to learn what a boot tastes like. Most of the stage work is them dressed up in different outfits. They even have a swimsuit section. There is also a talent section, which was disturbing. One girl came out and did interpretive dance. She was "the wind" and dressed in Autumn colors. It was very tame. Another girl came out and sang the national anthem. Oh so patriotic. The next girl was a Jean Bengay Ramsey clone, with white fronts on her teeth for the pageant. I guess they put them on her to make her look "perfect?" For her act, she came out in a long rawhide jacket and cowboy hat. She did a dance to a slower country beat, and then she ripped off the coat like a stripper when the music picked up, and started jumping around like she was collecting singles. I think that was about the time I came on here and made this thread.


About the parents, most of them are overweight and look like they live in some lonely over developed neighborhood. There's probably 3 wolf shirts in every household. I think it is them living out something through their child, but I also think it's a playing with dolls mentality. There really needs to be some kind of psychological condition involved, but we're such a pathetic culture that we just think it's normal.

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these sort of programmes make me sick, they had one here in the uk like this also one with parents really pushing their kids in sports n shit like that


childhood is for having fun not living out your parents failed dreams


Social services should take the kids away from them and give them to people that will let kids be kids


the rise in paedophiles is due to the sexifying of kids

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She did a dance to a slower country beat, and then she ripped off the coat like a stripper when the music picked up, and started jumping around like she was collecting singles. I think that was about the time I came on here and made this thread.





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Casek, you're a smart guy right? Can't you make a magnet strong enough to pull the Earth out of it's orbit and to somewhere colder? Maybe next to Pluto?





I hate humans.



I can do you one better, I can find the pedo's that run this thing and report them to the FBI's CP department.

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well, aside from the mental abuse those parents put on the kids, I'm all for freak exhibitions. plus i believe in the right to free speech and most of the constitution.


it does appear to be pretty fucked up. especially since it's on TV. but i'd die for their right to parade their kids on TV like circus animals any day. it's a multi billion dollar industry.... from pageants, to miley cyrus, to britney spears and madonna. start em young.


anyone ever fap to the olsen twins? same pricinciple at work. but it's weird because we "all watched them grow up".


i don't care either way. i don't shop at wal mart so I typically don't run into any of this in real life.

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I would have to disagree with you nsmbfan, parents do not have the right to live their dreams through their kids. They force this shit on the child so the child knows no better, if a child wanted to do it out of their own freewill with no input from their parents then fine, but most of these kids have pushy fucking loser parents and it deprives them of a normal childhood

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I can do you one better, I can find the pedo's that run this thing and report them to the FBI's CP department.


That won't be enough man. We need to unite the people, arm ourselves, go underground, and only appear to blow shit up! The media has way to much control over the people. We need to take it back! We need to bring journalism back to a for the people state. We need a revolution!!



In all seriousness though, remember when all these channels started out? BRAVO was a fucking arthouse movie station, that was not part of any HBO/Showtime/Etc. package. BRAVO showed movies and had the actor's studio. Then all of a sudden they started doing "Queer eye for the straight guy" and shows like that. Now they never show movies, and it's all reality shows that are so far from real it's insane. I mean, I love Top Chef, but come on NYC Prep?




This shit makes me want to walk around the upper east side with an Ak-47 like I'm playing Grand Theft Auto.


TLC (The Learning Channel) has shows like "John and Kate plus 8" and "Toddlers and Tiara's." I mean really, what are they trying to teach? How to destroy your fucking family by being media whores, and how to raise your daughter with zero self respect, that will lead her down a path that only ends with herpes sores?


If you look at your local listings, with have the National Nightly News on at 6:30pm. It has followed the local news for as long as I can remember. In my lifetime, I've seen journalism get so dumbed down that it's scary. To top it off, now you have TMZ airing at the same time as the Nightly News. The sad thing, I'm sure there are way too many people tuning into that.


I won't even get started on the E! Channel and Vh-1, no matter Mtv, CNN, and everything else. It's all a joke, and if we don't destroy it, "We the people" won't mean shit anymore.







Oh, and I'm unemployed, stoned, and watched a Vh-1 docu-series on the Black Panthers this morning. So I really shouldn't talk.

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This is my new favorite show to hate on. (I also love the documentaries other channels have run over the years too.)


The fat southern moms and grandmoms all with sleeveless shirts so their fat arms can breathe.

The non-present husbands, and if they are, are closet twinkies.

The gay coaches & 3rd party people who make a living off this shit by selling costumes/supplies/make-up/spray tans.


And no matter what, the ugly, cocky, future cum-dumpster blonde with blue eyes always wins, so why bother entering anything else?

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That won't be enough man. We need to unite the people, arm ourselves, go underground, and only appear to blow shit up! The media has way to much control over the people. We need to take it back! We need to bring journalism back to a for the people state. We need a revolution!!



. . . .





Time to get back to the basics: Zines


Z Magazine


Extra! The Magazine of FAIR - The Media Watch Group


two that I currently subscribe to

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I was watching CNN the other day and Kathy Griffin was hosting Larry King's show.

She had on some of the kids from this show and then their parents.

I had a hard time deciding who was dumber, the kids or their parents.

The little girls were boring and had the personality of a piece of cat shit.



With that said, I have been thinking about starting to watch this show.


I just burp-vomited in my mouth and it tasted like coffee and garbage.

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my girlfriend was watching that not too long ago and i literally unplugged the fucking tv and put it in the hallway and told her that next time it was going to be thrown off the back porch. i'll be fucking damned if i'm paying the bills and that horse shit is gonna be on in my living room.

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