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How well do you get along with your family?

Richard Dunn

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I thought this would be interesting to ask you guys and see how many people have supportive parents/relatives and how many dont get along/talk/care to be around them.


Whenever we get together someone is always criticizing someone else or creating drama, I try to stay out of it as much as I can. But my Grandpa passed away so I'll be spending 3 days with them stuck in a 2BR house while all the funeral stuff is going on. My dad will always be saying something pessimistic or making a huge deal out of something small. My mom likes to get onto everyone for the smallest things, just nitpicking. One of my brothers is grown but has a terrible sense of humor, constantly referencing borat and yelling like lil jon.


I try to sit on the sideline and hide as much as I can but I'm dreading the indefinite fighting/bickering I'll have to witness up there. Everyone except my younger brother is an adult but he's the only one who I can stand being around for more than a few hours.


So we all talk and are on shakey "good" terms but someone is always doing something like complaining or talking trash to get everyone else riled up and it all adds up to make great family memories of yelling at each other :cool: I used to try and negotiate and chill everyone out but no one listens, so whenever something happens I get out there asap.


I could say we all talk to each other and help each other out sometimes, but getting us all together is a nightmare.

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My family gets along fine. We don't really talk to my mom's side save a couple, although that's more because they're about as interesting to be around as silverware.


I only really keep in touch with my parents though. I talk to my sister once a month tops unless it's Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatever.

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i get along with the fam pretty good now that i stopped drinking...


there have been 3 different 3 or 4 year periods where I did not talk to my pops...


we have had fist fights and a bunch of crazy fuck up shit to say to each other...


but I put that aside so I can have a relationship with my little brother who is 15 and lives at his crib...


family is pretty much you get what you give, unless they are nuts, then just write it off.

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Get along with pops and mom, although we have different views on alot of things politically and religiously, there's still the mutual respect.


Not too fond of any of my aunts, uncles, or cousins. Grandparents I hardly ever see on mom's side, dad's side is dead.

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I'm an only child, so I get along with my parents really well.


my mom is sort of estranged from her whole side of the family. lots of alcoholism and abuse issues going on there (not with her, but that side of the family is rife with it). I've only ever seen any of them once, when I was 12 she took me out east to see them when her mom was dying.


my dad was the youngest of 3. grew up with a mild learning disability in a poor neighborhood in the 50s (learning disability? no such thing, you're just lazy! now come up here so I can crack you on the knuckles with my ruler!) so that kind of fucked him over. he's smart and well read, just never thrived in a school environment. he's the black sheep of the family, and that continues to this day. the rest of the family is nice enough, but I feel like I'm talking to strangers whenever I see them. they are assholes in the sense that they've all fled to other parts of the country leaving my parents to more or less take care of our grandmother, who is finally starting to show signs that her Alzheimers is getting too bad to live on her own.


I see alot of my parents in me, good and bad. its eerie how many similarities I can draw sometimes. I'm just thankful I wasn't raised in such a boring environment as my cousins.

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ive always got along well with my mom, she's your typical eccentric artist that is fun to be around.


my old man was always a really quiet guy, but he got back into smoking pot and is now really social. he recently bought a mini excavator so now all day he drives it around their property and fucks up whatever crosses his path. he gets really excited about the excavator, its pretty funny shit.


its kinda like this thing


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My dad is a street performer turned Methodist minister, by way of a hundred other jobs. We grew up as peers more than patriarchal.

We talk about once every four months.

On an up-side:

He came out to visit me for the first time in ten years and we went out drinking every night and had a great time.


My mom had given me to the state at 16 for being an unruly minor. It took a long time but I've mended that and I visited her a few months ago and went horseback riding with her on the newly acquired steeds (she re-married up the ladder).

We talk about every other month.

It took me a while but I've only got one mom.


In truth, we don't really talk about my life and what I do on the day-to-day with them. I just accept them for who they are and their short comings and I suppose they do the same.





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It took the better part of a decade but I had to bury the hatchet. For my own well-being, I had to let it go. She is certifiably insane and I had to be the bigger person. We'll never be close; just not yelling at each other. I have two sisters and four nephews and nieces that I have to think about.

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my mom is the shit busted her ass everyday to out me through 12 years of catholic school even though i damn near failed out plenty of times and is prob the only person i can talk to about absolutely anything good or bad and shes not gonna judge me or put me down...im 22 years old and never even seen my pops face all i know is that hes a cop

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Being an ass hole drunk bludger for a long time, we have a really good relationship, as you grow out of the negative teenage view and start realising there pretty awesome people things are alot diffrent. I owe my folks alot. Now days i call my olds once a week or they call me but they live across the other side of the country do i dont see them often. Havent talked to my sister for ultimate eons.


I go to the pub with my gramps every now and then, cool dude that i didnt really know well when i was a kid but his a good mate now.

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i just get drunkat family events. most of my family does the same thing, but there are those select few that suck at life and like to criticize everybody that isnt in the room. i reaaaaaallly want to punch them sometimes...


edit: i live with my brother and kick it with my sister regularly. my mom and dad are supportive as a motherfucker and will literally do anything for me. however, most of my fam that's my age or close to it live far away. i find that the older people are sometimes cool, but usually are just shit-talkers and like to feel like they're ahead of the game in comparison somehow. its not family, its more like rivalry. my younger cousins etc. are pretty cool, but they havent reached that age where its ok to give them a beer or smoke them out on a jilla or whatever.


tl;dr: my fam is kinda cool

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I don't really have anything to do with them.


My mom died when I was 11, and I haven't talked to my dad in a while. There's definitely a lot of shit between us that needs to get squared away before we can be civil on both sides but it's like we don't know where to begin or how to go about it constructively. Oh well. It sucks because he's not in the best of health and he's my only relative in the area but I'm kind of at a loss as to how to communicate with him peaceably.


I barely know the rest of my family. My aunt is cool, I talk to her about once a year and I have a cousin (her son) who emails me occasionally. I have a half-sister in Alabama who I haven't talked to since 2002....I'm an uncle three times over and have only met my niece once when she was less than a year old. My stepfather and I haven't talked in almost 20 years.


Some people think it's weird that I don't keep in touch with my family but it's a two way street. I've made the effort to reach out at times, but nothing seems to stick.

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Dad beat me and the Moms, but he has been out of the picture for a good long time so its gravy.


Come to think of it I probably deserved most of the beatings hahaha


My relationship with my Mom has always been solid, she was a cool chickey in her hayday. Sang in a band, protested in NYC, then settled down in suburbia.

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its a love hate relationship. my dads an asshole, my moms always been there. i don't think i've ever had the same friends come over my house twice becuase of all the yelling and argueing that goes on in my house, always scared my friends.

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I tolerate my mom and enjoy the company of her sisters more than her, although recent divisions over money have taken get togethers off the table and now everyone just goes on vacation around thanksgiving and stuff.


I have a good relationship with my father but he is not on good terms with most of his siblings. For the first time in over ten years my dads family got together a couple of summers ago. The high point was my dad taking his little brother outside and throwing him up against a wall.

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well they didnt kick my ass out when i cost em about 1200 in court fees and fines when i was younger.


pretty solid fam in my house we all chill together go out every now and then. arents allow me to stay at home without paying bills as long as im in school and work. We're pretty tight knit and everyone sits at the kitchen table when it comes to dinner or eating pops says thats the least we could all do dedicate sometime to the fam aside from the busy life style we all have.


Sp pretty much the relationship with my fam is better then most peoples i know.

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times a ticking shai. better reach out before you regret it.


You're right. I think about calling him every day but a few things hold me back.


I don't hate the guy but he wasn't around for most of my childhood so I don't know him all that well. I moved in with him a year or so after my mom died, and for whatever reason (guilt? denial?) he doesn't seem to understand that his not being part of my life when I was young meant that he more or less opted out of having any say in how I was raised. He has made efforts to be more of a parent here and there, but he really doesn't know how nor does he realize it's a little late for that.

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