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my dog has parvo.....any comments.

Mr. Ilovehaters

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thanks its a virus or bacteria if you will, the animal cant hold anything down and constantly throw up, untill the lining of the stomack is decomposed and throwin up as well, bloody runny diarrhea, no appetite, it sucks man but ive never had a dog that has it nor any friends or relatives that have had animals with it so i have no clue what to expect, hes only 10 months old and was my sons x-mas gift, and now like a child to me and my wife.

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While no extremely accurate statistics are available, a good guess is probably that 80% of puppies treated for parvovirus will live. Without treatment, probably 80% or more of the infected puppies would die.


just give it tons of love and let the vet do the rest.

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sucks to hear. like everyone else said, just hope the vet can take care of it. it will probably cost a bunch though.


a friend of the family hooked us up with a blue pit and we found out he had parvo. i guess his wife took the litter to get the parvo shots and she missed two. the first one died about a week after the visit and the one we had died the first day that we had him (which was less than 24 hours after the female died).


sorry to bum everyone out.

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i have a boxer pit mix named hercules and he just all of a sudden came down with parvo, i am at the vet right now, has anybody elses dog had this, what happened, did the animal make it????? help please!




When I was like 10 we had a pup who got parvo.

The vet said she was gonna die and asked if we wanted to put her down.

Me and my sis threw a fit and wouldn't let my mom give the vet the go ahead to put her down.

The next day after she was supposed to die, the vet called my mom and said something to the effect of it being a miracle and the dog was fine.

She lived to be 15.


On a somewhat related note a couple years ago my cat was bloated as fuck and throwing up her food so we took her to the vet. The vet said her liver was leaking protein and that the only thing he could do would be to drain the fluid out of her gut, but she'd just bloat back up and eventually die of malnutrition within months anyway.

He offered to put her down, but I was like fuck no. I figured if she's gonna die, she's gonna die. But I aint putting her down. He recomended feeding her baby food to stop the throwing up.


Months went by and it got to the point where she was too heavy to hop the baby gate to get to her litter box, but other than that she was fine.

So I gave in and had her drained. He said I'll be back in a couple months to have it done again if she doesn't croak by then.

She never bloated up again, and now she's fine.

We have her back to eating cat food again, but the soft shit that comes in the cans.

That bitch is 20 years old.


My advice would be to not put your dog down. Just be there with him and coddle it and show him that you give a shit. And if he dies, he dies. But don't just put him down.

Sometimes I think these vets are either lazy, or just don't really know their shit as good as a real doctor.

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Quote:While no extremely accurate statistics are available, a good guess is probably that 80% of puppies treated for parvovirus will live. Without treatment, probably 80% or more of the infected puppies would die.




just give it tons of love and let the vet do the rest.




That's a lot less grim of a statistic than what the vet told us when our dog had that shit.

She said that is was pretty much certain that she would die.

But then again, that was back in the 80's.

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jeah. uh. uh. uh. jeah. uh. uh uh. okay. uh. uh jeah. jeah. jeah.. uh.uh.uh.




D.A.O. is on point. i heard so many muthafuckas that say theres no hope, put the animal down. too many fuckin times the people didn't and the animal was fine for years to come. vets dont know half as much as they think.

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my dog had parvo a few years ago, when we took him to the doctor she said that he will have to stay in the pet hospital for 7-10 days, but he was out in 3. she said she had never had a dog she was looking after die of parvo, and that it is much worse for rottweilers.


there really isn't much you can do aside from getting him to a good vet.

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Apparently there is parvo in my backyard. We didn't know it until My brother asked me if he could leave his boxer pup with me when he went camping. Poor dog, he was awesome. In the week I had him, he played with my dogs, jumped all over the backyard like an idiot, was just generally hilarious. Then, the day my brother was supposed to come get him he just didn't look well. He started the shitting and vomiting that night, so I lent me bro the money to get him cared for at the vet. 3 days later, the vet said the dog was good enough to go home. He died that night.


Just becase the vet says your dog is getting better, and good enough to go home (hopefully you get to that point) don't quit watching him.


I know it wasn't my fault, but I still feel bad.

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thanks to all who left comments and helpfull comments as well, but unfortunately and so so so sad we had to put hercs to sleep, he was too far gone and with my current layoff i didnt have the extra money not even that pet credit helped out, he was non responsive the only one he responded to was my son, he was born october 25th 2008 and got his spot in heaven july 17th 2009, its like losing one of my kids and my son is ballin and keeps saying he hears him barking...we miss him and love him, to all who lost ther pet to this i am truly sorry. once again thanks.

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