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Trying to be helpful and insightful, which means you're dumb because it's been said umpteen times already.


I was going to say something along the lines of "I'm not afraid to speak up when I see one of my friends fucking up" until I read this...


I think that's a fair assessment, since every time I hang out with anybody from 12oz that's the first fucking thing out of anybody's mouth. I get the feeling from people that fiddy talks a lot of shit to people


Really? Because that definitely doesn't describe me at all. I make it a point to not get involved in other people's business, especially relationship drama. However, YOU brought her up almost every time I saw you.


For the record, her "shit talking" can be summed up in one sentence- "I don't know what his deal is, but he's creeping me out." Is that shit talking? I don't know, depends on where you're sitting, I suppose.

and loves the idea of a hung up ex boyfriend but that aint me.


It's not? Gee, it seems like you bent over backwards proving to everyone here for the past week that you thrive on being that guy.


I couldnt give a fuck about seeing another ouncer in real life either. Hanging out with them is such a trip because the conversations, interactions is all internet. There's no reality to it at all.


Well, that's a great send off. How exactly did I do you wrong? Is it because I didn't take your side in an internet vendetta against one of my friends you had a two week fling with? Sorry, I have a little more integrity than that.


And here's some "reality" for you- I was hanging out with IOU when you were called him and bawled him out because you were fixated on some idea you had that he hooked up with 50. That was real. And what about you spending the night in a chair in 50's room the first night IOU stayed at her house? There's some more reality.


It doesn't matter either way, since I don't have to worry about seeing you around anymore...fine by me.


Long story short the current arrangement that's been going on for 20+ pages is set in fucking stone.


All the rationalization, witty comebacks and five dollar words aren't fooling anyone...there's something very wrong with you if you think this kind of behavior is making you look good or is in any way logical or sensible.


My guess is that you hit your head a lot harder than you realized when you crashed your bike. Hopefully you'll get some help before you get worse.

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french laundry soup:


PURÉE OF BELGIAN ENDIVE SOUP - Granny Smith Apples, Celery Branch and Hazelnuts



it wasn't in season when i went. sounds good though!

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yep, i don't know why dudes are bothering trying to front on soup.

dude is cool, he doesn't lie or bignote himself for the sake of the internet unlike half the dudes on here who claim to be the best writer/dealer/thug/sagged pants wearing fag or whatever else you fakes claim to be in real life.


at least he is honest, which is all you can ask for on a forum full of mostly liars.





:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


That's funny, I was thinking the complete opposite of dude.

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hahaha all these new people should do some research because its FUCKIN HILLLLLLLARIOUS

and then it will be fresh and you can wildout and see how far we can push Soup!

he already posted the wall of text

my theory is, if he poke him with enough sticks (nohomo)

he might do some craaaaaazy shit and we all know Other Peoples Crazy = Gold

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How's the doggy Ink Face?


he's chilling, took him for a walk today, he's chilled out on pulling on the leash pulling. and i found

another dog area where he can run off his leash.


and to pissy, no-this thread is fucking retarded.

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hahaha all these new people should do some research because its FUCKIN HILLLLLLLARIOUS

and then it will be fresh and you can wildout and see how far we can push Soup!

he already posted the wall of text

my theory is, if he poke him with enough sticks (nohomo)

he might do some craaaaaazy shit and we all know Other Peoples Crazy = Gold


I swear you're that 17 year old who was bragging about dumping a bucket of soapwater and toothpaste on a chick and hiding in his room.


And if you read that wall o' text you'd know already you cant make me mad you just look retarded.

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he's chilling, took him for a walk today, he's chilled out on pulling on the leash pulling. and i found

another dog area where he can run off his leash.


and to pissy, no-this thread is fucking retarded.


Next time I'm up there we're taking your dog to Moltov's.. haha..

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And if you read that wall o' text you'd know already you cant make me mad you just look retarded.




Anybody who read your wall of text can clearly see...




































































































































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I swear you're that 17 year old who was bragging about dumping a bucket of soapwater and toothpaste on a chick and hiding in his room.


And if you read that wall o' text you'd know already you cant make me mad you just look retarded.


stupid Soup :rolleyes:



and only a fuckin faggot who never fucked girls would want to throw buckets of soapy water on a girl then hide from her.


Arent you 17? isnt the story of your life throwing soapy water and toothpaste on some girl and giggling to yourself and the internet? Or am i mixing you up with someone else?


oh thats the second time youve confused me for this imaginary faggoty 17 year old doing this.

supressed memories of your youth as a virgin who got the shit kicked out of him all the time?

is that why you hide in a gym tryin to call people out

and why you sleep in a chicks room cause youre scared shes the last girl that will ever fuck you?


chump, shut the fuck up and get your facts straight youre shootin airballs.

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