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5.snorted cocaine


i wana do coke with you :lol:






-wondered if 50milz really DOES have an la face and an oakland booty

-nudie run in a retirement home

-smoked a joint rolled with a page from the dictionary

-stolen drugs from a drugged girl

-trashed a house

-driven an unregistered, unroadworthy car with stolen number plates..with no license...drunk

-had my nose broken (x3)

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i wana do coke with you :lol:


-wondered if 50milz really DOES have an la face and an oakland booty

-nudie run in a retirement home

-smoked a joint rolled with a page from the dictionary

-stolen drugs from a drugged girl

-trashed a house

-driven an unregistered, unroadworthy car with stolen number plates..with no license...drunk

-had my nose broken (x3)



It's a celebration!




you sir, lead one semi-crazy awesome lifestyle.

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-Been shot at

-Hit in the face with a 2x4

-Told a girl to kick me in the jimmy (she did)

-Smoked crack in the Tenderloin on the street

-Overdosed on cocaine

-Rode in a limo and drank tequila while yelling "FUCK ALL YOU HONKY FAGGOTS" out of the sunroof in Fisherman's Wharf

-Dropped into someone else's backyard pool on a skateboard (did not go well)

-Been on acid in a holding cell

-Enjoyed ecstacy (out of the 30+ times I've taken it)

-Met Jerry Garcia

-Seen the Grateful Dead on NYE

-Seen Nirvana

-Seen The Who

-Seen Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

-Jumped off a bridge to get away from the cops

-Jumped off of a cliff for no good reason

-Smashed a toilet with a baseball bat

-Destroyed a glass bus shelter with my feet and a bike lock

-Thrown a toilet off of a front porch and gotten the cops called on me for it

-Thrown a TV off of a roof and not had the cops called on me about it

-Free climbed the front of a three story house for no reason

-Eaten peyote

-Driven a car successfully without scaring anyone half to death

-Been mistaken for a Samoan

-Hitchhiked from one end of California to the other in a day and a half

-Stolen a tombstone

-Tried to kill myself and end up getting committed as a result


You know, the usual shit.

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fucked at a church

accidentally smoked dust

UC's raided the crib and i kicked a freestyle while handcuffed as we headed down town

a murderer has slept on my couch

right now i could call some homeboys and get a green light on that ass

i have jerked my junk at strip clubs (yes plural)


in general Im on some RA the Rugged Man type shit


Most noted 12oz fame:




This shit made the papers^^

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I just won $77 (in singles) of dice money rolling 3's at the bar. Now I will order delivery from this awful place I labeled "do not call" in my phone, because that's the only shit open right now that delivers.


zebradrips mentioned paella on the last page, now I wish I had a chicken and chorizo paella.




also: I have only thrown my cell phone into the east river once.

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Today: Talked to Kari Byron on the phone.



-First time driving stick was almost entirely backwards through downtown santiago, cuba, in a german tourist's suzuki vitara at four in the morning.

-Rafted the american river on shrooms

-Pushed a newsstand through a plate-glass window at starbucks

-Set a port-o-potty on fire. someone called 911 but not before it melted into a giant puddle and set a tree on fire.

-Bit a chunk out of a live sea cucumber for zero dollars.

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-slept in alleyways in various cities

-stolen a UC license plate

-burned out a car

-woken up in other peoples clothing with more money in my pockets than i went out with

-woken up by children at the park at 9 am after a heavy nights drinking (last time this happened i was about 17)

-met jennifer hawkins

-threw a beer at kochie

-slept with girls i didn't/still don't know

-stolen small knick knacks from pretty much every house party ive been to where i dont know the owners

-puked on a stripper during a lap dance


many other things

total apathy preventing typing

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shot this into my eye on purpose because we thought it was funny....


its not funny...it hurt so fuckin bad. i could open my eye fully for well over an hour and my eye was swollen and bright red.


Later was told it can easily blind you...i guess i should think before i act next time..

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i got some more for the list:


stolen a car once

smoked salivia once and then dangled from a four story roof to swing into the top balcony

once claimed i was doing what jesus would do, pulling deads leaves off plants while on acid

i once fought two brothers at the same time

one time i drank all night had the first and last beers from a full keg and then drove home

i once fucked a broad on the side of the freeway

another time i styled a breeze in the parking structure of the mall at 6 pm OUTSIDE the car


some of these are hella funny.....dude says he steals "knick-knacks" from nearly every party hahaha fuckin knick-knacks





im high.

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-Ran up to some random people on a beach and asked them: Are you on shrooms too??

-Got shot at in the L.A. River.

-Fucked an ex at Big Top Locos in DTLA while a bunch of people watched.

-Hit a tag in a Denny's with a spray can. On that claw machine. Then ate.

-Got hit with a crowbar.

-Had my dick in an ex while her parents were three feet away asking what we were doing that night.

-Partied with Max Hardcore.

-Went to a gang bang. Did not bang though.

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