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What book are you reading? Part 20

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Been meaning to reread that and Animal Farm, but haven't gotten to it. Have also noted many complaint on Amazon that the versions being sold now are abridged and some of the more subversive concepts have been diluted of edited out. Almost seems like a pun, if not ironically Orwellian for big brother to edit a book like 1984.


that's fucked

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^^^ Definitely on my to read list - as is Max Havelaar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Havelaar - another in a fine series of books that explores colonialism.


I did read Heart of Darkness not long ago and was thoroughly unimpressed, maybe my expectations had been unreasonable given its fame. I've prob said this before in this thread or another, but read A Tale of Two Cites by Charles Dickens. Probably my fav book to date in the way that it covers class divide and despotism as well as revolution and brutality. Gripping shit, a real can't-put-downer.

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Book title is a bit misleading, this mainly deals with the Unabomber and Eric Rudolph. 1st author pats himself on the back and holds his friend's dicks a number of times, his story telling is repetitive and could have been said in less pages. 2nd author takes over for the last third of the book, a little more interesting, more focused on character/personality, but there's a lot missing.

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Just finished up The Shining starting on Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson.


I've been struggling to pick books up lately so I'm just going through as much easily digestible stuff as possible. Shining was the first time I've read anything by Stephen King aside from On Writing. I had also never seen a movie adaptation of one of his books, so I threw the shining movie on directly after finishing the book.


The movie was dog shit terrible in my opinion, but you just can't transfer the psychological aspect of the book all that well, I think. Most of the book is in everyone's own head which is impossible without some shitty narration decisions in a movie.

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i went to the book signing for david relin, the guy who co-authored the book "three cups of tea"


he was really cool...when talking about the book, he made a reference to "cheese wit" a reference to cheesesteak sandwiches in philly...nobody in the room understood what he was talking about, because most of the people there were old farts.


so when i met him, i talked to him about cheesesteaks and how he made funny of one of his characters in his book by calling the guy "jiffy pop head"


he laughed...i think talking to me was a breath of fresh air compared to doing signings for a bunch of geriatrics that were there.



I just found out a few months ago that this author i met (David Relin) committed suicide in oregon a few years ago by throwing himself in front of a train.


heres his wikipedia page:





oh and btw I just finished gandhi's autobiography.




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