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simon sandleshit

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simon sandleshit last won the day on April 11 2018

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382 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. @misteravenyo I’m actually using the app now! It’s fucking slick man I like it so far! I’ll try to post some flicks through the app here soon. Loading channel zero takes a second from the forum list but that’s the only thing I’ve noticed so far. gonna be living outside this summer while I look for a new place to live, so this will be handy while my PC is in storage.
  2. Ill definitely pop into that pizza thread..actually bout to whip some up from scratch tonight. Been a good weekend, lotta traffic on the rails and it was 70 and sunny. Definitely felt like summer. Sorry bout the shadows on some of these flicks.
  3. sorry bout any repeats tryna pick up where i left off.
  4. Glad to be back yall! Preciate the love. Stoked to see theres a mobile app in beta too thats whats up!
  5. I'm also not down with pineapple on pizza.... but what the hell is that pizza you just posted
  6. @One Man Bannedi got my shit together now! this summer im bringin flicks or im buying you a pizza
  7. aye whats up! Finally recovered my log in. Been a rough year but i still been out here painting trains and getting dirty (in the words of KIR). Finally got a good bag to carry paint that can also carry my camera..hopefully drop some good flicks in my thread again soon. feel bad dropping iphone flicks in that thread as most folks here got better quality photos here, i feel like. but its also been ages since i uploaded from a mobile phone so i dont know much about it. maybe just stuck in my ways using a pc...finally bought a god damn scanner to listen to freights. @mr.yuck @One Man Bannedthanks for always yelling at me to post flicks in my thread and keeping it in my head. hope ur doing well dawg
  8. Howdy sir, I need to post my bench soon! My laptop is so ancient and slow, booting it up and trying to simply use a web browser is too much to handle and turns into a several hour project easily. I do bench with my phone on occasion and while the camera is decent, I really wanna keep this thread with the high quality photos you can zoom in on. hope you’re doin well!
  9. No doubt that dudes hands got fucked up. Even a housecat can claw you up pretty bad.
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