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What book are you reading? Part 20

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of mice and men was the only steinbeck book ive read...finished it in a day.


liked it, cause its setting was close to where i live.


that's the only other Steinbeck I've read. yeah, quick and easy but pretty heavy. i love how he does the dialog and narration sorta colloquial style


another recomendation from senior AP english 10 years ago..... John Irving's "Prayer for Owen Meany" slow in parts but great read

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i was just watching artie lange videos on youtube. arties is my hero in a weird kinda way. dude is straight up shameless, which is awesome.


Dude is such a trainwreck. There's a chapter about him being in full pig costume, fleeing the madTV set, driving to LA for coke, doing it through his prosthetic pig snout all day during work, and then after he finally passes out at the end of the night waking up covered in his own shit

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Bret Easton Ellis is a good author.


You've read American Psycho right?



that book is intense. the movie does not even touch on the insanity of the book. the part with the rodents was way nasty.


excellent author and the depth of analysis in the book is impressive. the meticulous detail registry of thoughts and sensations in that book gives it a depth that is rarely paralleled.

which on that note. if you liked that aspect of the book you may like PiHKAL: The Chemical Story, by Alexander and Ann Shulgin.


The book is about two different perspectives on experimentation and the development of pharmaceuticals. One is from the scientists point of view and details his thoughts about when he is experimenting and the course of his trips. While the other is from the lady's perspective of using pharmaceuticals. There is like a love story aspect of it that I found lame, but the insight into the mind was awesome. Thick read, but very very good.


Oh, and for the real science junkies there is an encyclopedia in the back of all the drugs listed, there chemical compound, definition of terms listed, and effects. Makes up about a 1/4 of the books thickness.

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Dude is such a trainwreck. There's a chapter about him being in full pig costume, fleeing the madTV set, driving to LA for coke, doing it through his prosthetic pig snout all day during work, and then after he finally passes out at the end of the night waking up covered in his own shit

Word, he's a fuckin savage son of a bitch. So goddamn self destructive but he won't die!!


I saw an interview with him on a late show where he said they made the book have a glossy cover so people could do lines off it. Classic.

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I am currently reading Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card (another part of the enders game series)

I wanna read clockwork orange cause I saw the movie the other day and I think the book will be better.

On a completely unrelated note does anyone know of any really good steakpunk books. I have no clue why I want to read one but I guess I saw something and I have this overwhelming need to read a steampunk novel or watch a steampunk movie. I don't even know how I knew about it or know about it now. My memory has been slowly dying on me for the last month. Bad.


i remember liking "the difference engine" by william gibson and bruce sterling. i'm generally a fan of william gibson. also rudy rucker for cyberpunk type stuff.


also "steamboy" is kind of a cool movie for that steam powered technology stuff.

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OK listen, NOBODY should shit talk Frankenstein. That book was awesome and it was written by a woman when women didn't write, much less write the horror... It's a masterpiece, no doubt. Why do you think there are so many Frankenstein movies?


So, this week I read:


P.T. Duetermann- Scorpion of the Sea (very good, seemed dry at first but it just wasn't)

Nelson DeMille- Wildfire (pageturner but kinda MEH on the politics, good though)

N. DeMille/T. Block- Mayday (pretty good but still kinda just fluff, hard to put down)

Robt. Ludlum - Sigma Project (he's the fucking master, heir to LeCarre... incredible)


I think I may fall back on a LeCarre jag because that's where my heart lies but I've got 3 manuscripts on my desk... we'll see who wins. For those unfamiliar, I started with 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold" but he had 2 or 3 before that... I recommend following my route and reading "A Small Town In Germany" next but, whatever, as long as you read them all.

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For those unfamiliar, I started with 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold" but he had 2 or 3 before that... I recommend following my route and reading "A Small Town In Germany" next but, whatever, as long as you read them all.

Smart, I should thank you for putting me on to Le Carré, years ago, on one of these threads. Leamas is the man.

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