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one order of ACID TRIP please!


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only had a bad trip on shrooms, acid has always been a blast. tripping on acid in a packed house party drinking vodka striaght and doing the moonwalk while sweeping the kitchen floor with a broom, whenever theyre was room. that was fun.


:lol: I remember that night, you and the broom were gettin down

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And why is it Australians can get acid, but not coke? Odd


A certain fellow RI oontzer was once convicned he was gunna make mad money strictly selling acid. I predicted an epic fail, and it occured.


who told you we can't get coke?


we sure can. its just low grade.

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Acid is without a doubt my favorite drug of all time. Even though I don't do drugs anymore I've always said if I come across any I will buy as much as I can, because that shit is rare as fuck now a days and I need it in my life.


Here's a pic of me from the 90's with a hit on my tongue...



I'm sure it will end up in DAO's revenge folder and be used to slay me some time in the near future. :lol:





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Never had it but I'm really interested in trying it. Some lady in her late 40's I used to work with kept suggesting i try it, kept telling me about all the fun times she had in the 70's with it.


What I really want to try is a full 8th of teh magik shro0mz! Only had half before and it was ok.

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Well, to me it's like why bother if it sucks anyways? Shit's too expensive to begin with


I mean I fuckin LOVE coke but I won't pay for it. I haven't done it in like 11 days cuz I haven't been able to get it for free




Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to:


* agitation

* depression

* intense craving for the drug

* extreme fatigue

* anxiety

* angry outbursts

* lack of motivation

* nausea/vomiting

* shaking

* irritability

* muscle pain

* disturbed sleep



You'll be ok duke.


Don't be too Aggressive, Angry outburst are a dead giveaway.

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my second trip was about two months ago or so...and holy shit did it open up pandora's box.


i was trippin on two tabs at this spot called the ledge, where you can see the bridge leading to virginia.


the scene was out of fucking control, not to mention my friend and i were smoking a blunt of some ill medicinal shit. we were spazing out seeing all the colors in the sky and shit.


we decided that what we were viewing was too fucking intense so we took a walk...that lasted for over 2 hours, we just kept walking down this long ass path trippin balls in a fucking forest.


We also almost got bagged for shoplifting that day..we were so high we didnt realize that we were not in our usual "lets boost shit" mode.


I have to say that day was probably the best day of my life so far...shit was uber fun.


not to forget, Led Zep in the light was on repeat the whole day from 12:50 pm to 2am.


The alternate version...

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Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to:


* agitation

* depression

* intense craving for the drug

* extreme fatigue

* anxiety

* angry outbursts

* lack of motivation

* nausea/vomiting

* shaking

* irritability

* muscle pain

* disturbed sleep



You'll be ok duke.


Don't be too Aggressive, Angry outburst are a dead giveaway.


Disturned sleep is the only way I've been getting, but it gets better every night

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Never had it but I'm really interested in trying it. Some lady in her late 40's I used to work with kept suggesting i try it, kept telling me about all the fun times she had in the 70's with it.


What I really want to try is a full 8th of teh magik shro0mz! Only had half before and it was ok.


When I eat fungus I start by eating half 1/8 ... let that sink in for about 2 - 3 hours then I eat the other half 1/8. There is about 2 hours of super intense, then it sinks to a comfortable level again.

Only problem is trying to eat them when I am already tripping, my solution is kind of gross but it works. I chop them up on a cutting board and put them in a tiny bit of OJ, or whatever liquid to drink them down. Have a chaser ready if you try this. Kicker about chopping them up they are already broken into small pieces so your body takes in more of the "active ingredients".

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4 am

sweat like blood down ears

its fucking cold

blue to yellow elevator escalators

in a puddle in a palm two for ten turned eight

9 pm thinking more like am

someplace in bethesda

whats my name

drop bass reece waves switchblades

fuzzy lines amen breaks










check out my live journal for more pretentious poetry yo!

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its been many many years, but i personally never had a bad experience on either acid or mushrooms. Its all mental, you have to always keep the mindset that "i am in control, im only tripping" keep that in mind and you'll always make out ok.




-boil pot of water

-pour in large mug

-add desired amount of mushrooms

-allow to sit for several minutes (till water cools enough to drink)

-water will change color (this is the toxins you want to ingest being pulled from the mushrooms)

-remove stems and caps




Ive seen people put them on cheesteaks or burgers and stuff also...

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We have all these other fancy drugs now.

I personally think X took over.




this is true, there was a roll i tried a couple times that was laced with acid. indeed it was, when my friends faces were melting, and i thought my girlfriend was someone else dressed like my gilfriend trying to kiss me,and set me up to be caught.yeah that was definately acid in that thing.

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