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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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Dude brown shugga sneaks up on you hardbody though...


10 percent and shit.


hahah yeah because from my experience brown shugga, lagunitas especially, is the only beer out of few that has that amount of alcohol and is sold in 6 packs. Most 8-10% beers are sold in 4 packs in my area. 4 of em does the job but 6 of em seal the deal.

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word. I just put it in my mailbox. The offer is for 20 packs of any Budweiser product and was stuck on the front of the case. They were requesting the UPC from the packaging, the receipt, and the filled out card. Pretty much just name, addy and email. Reciept needs to be dated on or before the 6th and they need em by the 22nd


I paid 7 for a 20 pack because the 20 pack was already on sale for 12 from 14.... but 9$ for 20 bottles of bud isnt a bad deal.


I was just about to buy a $10 six pack of DFH 60 minute when i seen this. Budweiser is my favorite daily drinker. I like Dogfish head more but i cant afford to drink it like Budweiser.. Plan to be out there shoveling snow drunk as fuck

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Far out, we pay easy $15/6pack for crap beer, up to $22/6pack for good beer. DFH (If we could still get it) would run you about $40/6pack over here.


That's power of population I suppose.


Still stings a little though!


Not power of population really, given that per capita we are on par with germany and other european countries for booze consumption. i think its more to do with the fact we've gotten so used to being fucked over that no one makes a fuss anymore.


at my bottle shop we mark up shit beer 6 percent and premium beer 15 percent. we make seriously little money on beer.


aussies get fucked over hard on beer price from all sides of the industry.


10 dollar pints at a pub? fuck that shit.


oh and protester/american heads (looking at you chocula/crooked), got some shelving units in to effectively double the size of our imports and high ends.


i got most parts of the world covered but me and the dude doing the ordering are a little stalled out on American micro-brews. he's talking about the whole sierra nevada range and some other shit but im not feeling it.


suggestions please? protester, it would be really helpful if you could mention a few that youve bought in perth as ill know its being distributed here.


thanks all and ill dump a few months worth of flicks when i get a sec.

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crime- i'll hit you up with some names in the next few days. the biggest problem you are gonna have (which i'm sure you know) is getting distrobution of some of the better american micro brews. effectively you will only get what are now large distribution breweries who make better beer, e.g. dfh, stone, anchor, etc.


i would seriously look into Anchor though. the first american micro brew. And I'll be damned if their porter is probably my favorite.


Anchor Brewing


Sadly I don't see you getting anything like Bell's, Three Floyd's, Russian River, or some of the smaller yet more awesome breweries.


I'll think about some overnight and post some ideas for you tomorrow.

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Anchor is here already, I bought that from Belmont. Got the Anchor Steam, and it was OK, didn't pay a huge amount for it - I believe somewhere around $5/stubbie.


Rogue, Stones, Dogfishhead, Sierra Nevada, I have a Dark Lord from Floyd's on my bench at home, probably consume it tomorrow night.


I get almost all my imported from either Carlisle Cellarbrations or the joint up the end of Great Eastern Highway - forget their name stupidly enough, Mane Liquor I think?


I heard Napa Smith Pale is pretty good - but not sure if they're bottling yet?


Russian River has proven to be illusive, but I'm still looking.


Ever since I heard Bell's is from a joint call Callamezoo (sp?) I have wanted it.


Rogue has great shelf presence, but it is hard to get the stubbies, most everywhere will have the long necks.

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