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Don't drink Monster Energy Drink!!!!



Monster-maker to Vt. brewer: No 'Vermonster' beer

By JOHN CURRAN, Associated Press Writer John Curran, Associated Press Writer – Mon Oct 12, 6:25 pm ET



MORRISVILLE, Vt. – Forget David and Goliath. This fight's between Matt and Monster.


The maker of Monster energy drinks has taken aim at a Vermont brewery that sells a beer called "The Vermonster," ordering it to stop selling, advertising and promoting the craft brew because it could confuse consumers.


The energy drink-maker, Hansen Beverage Co., wants tiny Rock Art Brewery to stop using the name "Vermonster" on the barley brew and to compensate it for its attorneys' fees.


Matt Nadeau, who owns the brewery with his wife, Renee, says he's been told by five trademark attorneys that the law is probably on his side, but that proving it through lengthy litigation could bankrupt him.


"This is just about principle," said Nadeau, 43. "Corporate America can't be allowed to do this, in this day and age. It's just not right."


The beer is made at Rock Art's small warehouse brewery in Morrisville, which employs seven people, and is sold in 22-ounce brown glass bottles. It hit the market in 2007, and is now sold in Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Arizona.


Based in Corona, Calif., Hansen sold over $1 billion worth of Monster drinks last year. The products carry a distinctive three-line logo designed to look like a claw mark.


"A lifestyle in a can," its Web site proclaims.


The dispute began last month, when a lawyer for Hansen Beverage sent an e-mail message to Nadeau's attorneys saying the brewer would "undoubtedly create a likelihood of confusion and/or dilute" Hansen's trademark.


The Hansen lawyer who wrote the e-mail, Diane M. Reed, declined to comment. A telephone message left for a Hansen spokeswoman wasn't returned.


Nadeau contacted Reed to say the products are in two different markets — beer and energy drinks — and offered to surrender any rights to use the name on an energy drink. According to Nadeau, Reed said that's not Hansen's concern, but that Hansen wants to enter the alcoholic beverage market.


"I said `Too bad, I'm already here.' I've been here. And I'm already brewing beer," said Nadeau.


Such warning letters aren't unusual in trademark disputes.


"The way the law is arranged, the holder of a trademark has to be very aggressive in defending it, even when it's overreaching," said Douglas Riley, Nadeau's trademark attorney. "If you miss a legitimate infringement, people will point out in later years that you weren't defending your properties. You can lose it if you don't defend it, so you err on the side of caution.


"Escalator, aspirin, celluloid were once trademarks and they became common jargon because the owners didn't defend them or find a way to stop people from using those names," Riley said.


He said he's in discussions with Hansen Beverage representatives.


David S. Welkowitz, a trademark law expert who's not involved in the case, says there isn't a hard-and-fast answer, but that litigating the dispute could take a long time — and a lot of money.


"People don't have to believe that Hansen makes the beer, they simply have to believe that Hansen approved of it or licensed it," he said.


Nadeau has taken his beef online. Rock Art's Web site headlines a description of the dispute as "Rock Art Brewery vs. Corporate America."


And his supporters are taking up the cause.


"Letting you know I've stopped buying all Hansen/Monster products until you back off on rockartbrewery," one person wrote on Twitter. "Cheering for David v. Goliath," wrote another.


One Vermont store decided to boycott Monster.


At Beverage Warehouse, in Winooski, co-owner George Bergin has taken Hansen and Monster products off the shelves and is telling customers why. Monster is the store's best-selling energy drink, and sales may be lost, but that's OK, he said.


"At least we're getting their attention," Bergin said. "Maybe, hopefully, (Hansen) thought they'd send a threatening letter and realized that Vermont's the kind of place where people stand up for each other, and this might've been a mistake."





This is my favorite brewery and it's pretty wrong that they're being sued by an energy drink company because they have the name monster in one of their brews. It's called the Vermonster because it's 10% and 100 IBU, nothing at all to do with the energy drink.



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if you like this try New Belgium 1554



1554 is New Belgium's best offering but I would not compare it to Arrogant Bastard at all. One is a black ale the other is a strong ale. One tastes of chocolate malts the other has hints of grapefruit and an acidity to match its alcohol content. One is on its way to being a porter, the other is sweeter and spicier.


Not the same at all.

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how you like the paulaner hef DRUE?


I can't stand Weiss or White beers.


Trumer was the best of the bunch, slowly becoming my favorite cheap beer.


My lager/pils hierarchy is:








1664/Paulaner/Radeberger/Warsteiner/Czechvar/Staropramen are all solid, but do not have the flavors the above beers do.


However, I find myself drinking Leffe a lot, or Delirium Tremens when I want to drop some coin. Belgian Ales are the shit, but I go for Lagers & Pils while drinking copious amounts during football games.

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Awesome. pretty much taste's like an autumn version of their two faced ale





nothing special, i'd rather drink miller lite





pretty good but not the greatest session beer.

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Saw the Ommegang Brewery over the weekend








Took home a few of each of these... the Hennepin was aged in Howe Caverns, still has some cave dust on it




Lots of people on the tour. Got to sample the beers, most of which I've had before. They were kind of stingy with the samples, but they were free so it's all good.

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Also took the tour at Cooperstown Brewery. Never had any of their beers before, so I did the sampling... really liked all their beers, especially the Old Slugger Pale and the Strike Out Stout.








Met the brewery dog and cat




brought back a few sixers of each of these



and a mixed case of these from butternuts... never had these either but a case was dirt cheap at the supermarket up there.

not bad, but not the best either. The case was $2 more than a case of bud, so it's a good bargain.


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My new bottle shop had the butternuts beers in and they are selling them for $1.70 a can could not pass it up. The IPA and Pale ale are descent especially for $1.70 the other 2 i did not care for.


And as far as good beer coming out of a can take a look at anything and everything Oskar blues puts out. I have seen it said also that hoppy canned beers may actually store much better than in a bottle and make for better hoppiness.

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