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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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Had a couple new things recently.

Clay Pipe's Hop-ocalypse. Pretty good and local so i had to try it.


Bell's Two Hearted Ale. By and far my favorite thing i've tried lately. The taste was impeccable and just everything I wanted in an IPA. Hops weren't overpowering but definitely strong.


Clipper City's Holy Sheet. Absolutely terrible. Tasted like cheap malt liquor mixed with Welch's grape juice. Definitely would not recommend it.


And finally, Oaked Arrogant Batard. SImply amazing. The oak really only came out at the end and aftertaste. I got pretty tipsy only after 3 of 'em but at $18 a sixer out here I can't really fade that price regularly.


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The other night i finally cracked open the ruination ipa i'd had sitting in my fridge for a few weeks. I'm really picky when it comes to pale ales and would say that i hate 50%, 45% of them i'm ok with but wouldn't buy, and 5% i really like. The ruination definitely comes in at the top end of that 5%, and i would go as far as to say its the best IPA i've had. Obviously its very bitter and hoppy, wth a slight hint of citrus, but it is surprisingly easy to drink and doesn't taste overly heavy for a ipa with 7.7% abv. Definitely worth trying even if you're not a huge fan of IPAs, and even more so for those who are fans



Tried this Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale tonight, and was pretty happy with the purchase. Malty/Hoppy/Coffee-ish, with a bit of a burnt taste and really quite dark/heavy for a brown ale. You can definitely taste the fact that its 7.2% ABV, but i wouldn't say thats a bad thing, instead it just makes you savor it more and sip it a bit more slowly, as it has a fair bit of bitterness too. Could definitely drink a few of them though, as it wasn't overly filling despite the heaviness. I had it with a steak and some potatos, and it paired up very nicely. Definitely worth a try for fans of darker ales and stouts.



Edit: And from my previous post, the Stone Russian Imperial Stout is one of the best imperial stouts i've had. Fucking delicious. The Belhaven and Weihenstephaner were good, but nothing spectacular or special, and i probably wouldn't buy them again. The Stone porter definitely was better than the Samuel Smith taddy porter, but both are solid porters, and do have distinctly different tastes, with the Stone porter being a bit heavier and smokier, as the name would imply. Overall better taste though, in my book. The New Glarus coffee stout is really nice too. Exactly what you'd expect from a coffee stout, with a slightly lower abv than some but very easy to drink, probably partially due to the fact that its only around 5%. I could drink those all night and wouldn't get full or sickly from the coffee like i might with some coffee stouts. It is also reasonably priced, I want to say a 6pack of it was like $7, but i don't know if its available in many states.

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so in my pursuit of not spending so much on beer i bought some michelob


michelob has always been gross. but after trying a jack's pumpkin spice ale




last halloween i was a bit surprised that it wasn't that bad.


now i'm not saying hey drop what you're doing and go out and get michelob but if you're broke

this might be a cheaper alternative. i know big brewers bad micro brewers good

and i agree but for the price it was decent to start out the night with.

i got a 12 pack sampler for $8.99 it had










cheesy labels but they weren't that bad. they weren't that great either but again they weren't that bad

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I'm in a new location for awhile and finally have access to beers i could never find in minneapolis. So psyched that they have Stone beers around here since i've only had oaked arrogant bastard and none of their other beers.


Decided to pass on the Stone tonight since the little store i went to only had their Pale ales and i wasn't in the mood. I'll be hitting up bigger liquor stores and going nuts soon though and reporting back.


For tonight:


Which i've never had, but have heard good things about





Lake Louie Warped Speed Scotch Ale

Never even heard of the brewing company, its in some little town in Wisconsin, but it sounded good and upon reading reviews its sounding very promising.



gotta love some good ole' rasputin!

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Serum.. You have to be kidding me. That jacks pumpkin spice is absolutely TERRIBLE..


Same with the Shock top. Shock top and Summer Shandy should be designated as beers you drink in "last resort" circumstances.


I know alot of people on here are familiar with The Bells Brewery and their hit beer Oberon but a few months back i paid a visit to the Bells Brewery as i hadnt been there in a few years. I get in and they have something on tap called Uberon. This was in fact an Oberon that had been barrel aged with an abv of 10%. I promptly ordered one it hit me like a freight train. First, i had one glass and that was about as much as i needed for the next 6 months. Second, it had an overwhelming bourbon taste (naturally, with similar fermentation processes) but still kept its wheatey feel.


overall, it was terrible and id never drink another one but it was an experience..


PS. Dont bother trying to get it, they made one batch for brewery release and that was it.



And Mr Chup. I can cosign on that Ruination IPA. Unlike you i am a fan of IPA's (to some extent) and would place that in one of my top 3 slots.

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very jealous i would have loved to go to bell's

that Uberon sounds appealing to me. I'm a fan of bourbon & beer.


the michelob thing is difficult for me to explain. i guess i sort of expect their stuff to taste like

piss from the tap. but it doesn't. now would i say its good? no. hell i wouldnt even willingly buy it

if i wasn't on a budget. but i don't find it undrinkable. i mean shit i grew up drinking st ides, old english.

so really anything that doesn't make me vomit is palatable. its more like a hey if you're broke

and want something other than miller lite try this type recommendation, not hey this stuff is

a hidden gem check it out sort of recommendation if you get what i mean. last resort would be

a better word i guess. like you're at a bar and they dont have any beers besides coors mgd sort of thing.

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cheap but drinkable.


Sadly, I must say goodbye to this thread and fancy beer. (for now)

Since I purchsed a new home, I am going to have to tighten the belt and slash frivolous spending on luxuries such as imported beer.


Hello Miller Lite, my old friend.


Well, Affligem, Leffe, Staropramen, 1664, and Trumer Pils @ $6-7 a sixer are still within reach.... but Delirium, Duvel and Weihenstephaner are gone. My liquor bills friday afternoon at the local liquor warehouse have been around $100.

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finally got to posting my thoughts on these:

Smuggled some beer in from New Jersey yesterday, flicks are stolen:


Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale


sweet and malty, lots of caramel and fruit flavor. i liked it alot more than i though i would.


Aecht Schlenkeria Rauchbier Urbock


malty, earthy, and smoky... alot of reviews said it had a peat taste to it. not sure what peat tastes like, so i can't attest to that. the flavor is sweet up front, which gives way to the smokiness.


...and Marzen


haven't tried it yet, hopefully i'll get to it soon.


Boulder Beer Sweaty Betty hefeweizen


sweet, lemony, definitely tasted cloves and bananas... a little citrusy/hoppy as well. not the best wheat ale i've had, but it was cheap and drinkable, and was well liked by people with me who weren't really into beer.

Troegs Sunshine Pils


everything i've had out of troeg's i've liked, this being no exception. nicely balanced maltiness and hoppiness, a little citrusy and grassy. nice summer brew.


Rogue Imperial IPA


awesome. i love ipa's, this was no exception. lots of hoppiness, it's got that grapefruit flavor thing going on. plus the bottle can be reused for homebrew - bonus.:cool:


Southern Tier Imperial Oat Stout


haven't gotten to this one yet either.


Avery Maharaja Imperial IPA - got 6 of these:)


another citrusy, bitter ipa... this had some nice malt character to it as well. you can definitely taste the alcohol in this, it think it's 10% or something like that...


Hoppin Frog B.O.R.I.S. the Crusher Oatmeal Imperial Stout


i used to get this alot when i lived in OH, so i was glad to see it in NJ. lots of coffee and chocolate aromas as soon as it's poured... tastes pretty much just like it smells. sweet chocolate and bitter coffee. i'm thinking this would make a badass black and tan with the rogue imperial ipa...


also finally got to try Pliny the Elder on tap Saturday night... it was fucking delicious, everything i love about beer. it's rated A+/world class on beeradvocate, and it definitely lives up to the hype. :cool:

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drue down i'm in the same boat

my liquor bills are in that range as well and the woman is putting me on a budget

so i drink my fill of crap beer and then treat myself to 1-2 good ones at the end of the night.



yeah, i am not sure what is better, finishing off with the nice ones, to savor the flavor once full and having my share of bland beer.


Or starting off with the good stuff, get a quick buzz, then switch to the schwill once my palette is saturated.


I guess I will try both this week and find out.

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Serum.. Surprisingly i do agree with you on some level. As far as Light beers go, Michelob Light probably is the one od the best on the market. Labatt light as well.. Im pissed that in my day of errand running i didnt make it to the "fine brew mart".. My fridge has nothing but one Sam.. Im disappointed.

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