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Woman sues American Airlines for X-Rated incident


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''Lawsuit: Staff Did Not Help Woman After Man Ejaculated On Her''




''HOUSTON -- A 21-year-old Harris County woman filed a lawsuit against American Airlines Monday, alleging her trip to visit family and friends in Los Angeles last spring break turned X-rated.


The $200,000 suit claims a passenger masturbated in the seat next to Centava Dozier on a flight from DFW International Airport to Los Angeles during Dozier's spring break in 2007.

Dozier said she was sitting on an unoccupied row of the plane when it took off and fell asleep. When she woke up, she found a stuck substance in her hair and a man masturbating in the seat next to her.

In the lawsuit, Dozier said she asked airline workers for help and asked that the man, who was not sitting in his assigned seat, be removed, but did not receive any help from the staff aboard the plane.

Officials with American Airlines have maintained that their employees took appropriate action.

The man was arrested when the plane landed.''

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She's pissed cuz the airlines didnt do enough? As an American Airlines worker, what more are you gonna do to somebody, other than from a safe distance say "Hey put that away!!"?? Especially after the dude already let off a shot and didn't mind chilling there for a minute til the bitch woke up. Dude definately coulda been working on another one. American Airlines Golden Wings on my uniform or not, fuck being on the recieving end. no homo

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hypothetically speaking why she thought nobody really helped her. they had a glimpse into their own fate with the actually engaged in a convo. for real i wouldn't do anything as an employee, i'd tell the chick to move her seat after she went to the bathroom and cleaned that shit outta her hair.

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She's pissed cuz the airlines didnt do enough? As an American Airlines worker, what more are you gonna do to somebody, other than from a safe distance say "Hey put that away!!"?? Especially after the dude already let off a shot and didn't mind chilling there for a minute til the bitch woke up. Dude definately coulda been working on another one. American Airlines Golden Wings on my uniform or not, fuck being on the recieving end. no homo


So if you have any kind of an arguement with a flight attendent you get pounced on by air martials and tazered and shit... but if you jerk off on a bitch and she calls for help it's whatever? :confused:






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Guest spectr

haha.. I can't believe these people didn't do anything... she should have just moved seats when no one was willing to help her... that or just kicked the fucker in the balls..

I wonder if they just watched the guy jerk off on her...

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