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Irish People Are Fucking Wack


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it really annoys me how every white person in this country claims ireland like it erases their white guilt.


you're not irish. 99% of these motherfuckers never even knew a living relative that had even been to ireland. and you people can't drink either. you make real irish people laugh

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the other night i saw some white dude get punched out because he was in the wrong store.

true story

no pics tho.

i just wanted some milk. it was 2 am




on a side note. whats up with all these dirty white art kids who do not know how to act.



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i definitely get annoyed with st.paddy's day in america. i have friends who are from ireland. they go out and do it right on st.paddy's day, but they also do it to celebrate where they are from. most of the time though, i just see meatheaded frat boys (who aren't irish) walking around piss drunk singing house of pain, looking to fight weaker dudes.

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i definitely get annoyed with st.paddy's day in america. i have friends who are from ireland. they go out and do it right on st.paddy's day, but they also do it to celebrate where they are from. most of the time though, i just see meatheaded frat boys (who aren't irish) walking around piss drunk singing house of pain, looking to fight weaker dudes.


no shit, that is my town 24/7. St.Patty's day holds a dark day in my town. People do everything that disgraces irish people but its all good because they are wearing green. Its like someone saying something completely racists and then saying its cool, they have a black friend.

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it really annoys me how every white person in this country claims ireland like it erases their white guilt.


you're not irish. 99% of these motherfuckers never even knew a living relative that had even been to ireland. and you people can't drink either. you make real irish people laugh




what does being irish have to do with erasing white guilt? the 99% you speak of are the "irish for a day" muffuckers that we cant stand either. and gliks ...say frontin ass people that SAY they are irish are wack, or fuck whatever you are. peace!

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"I'M IRISh (because i have nothing else interesting/relevant/important/meaningful to say about myself!"

if you are not from ireland, you are not irish. maybe you have irish ancestry, it still dosent mean anything.

people say theyre irish as if it meant something; IT DOESNT


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two of my buds are irish. the left one is mellow, while the other one is crazy..




ehh i have never seen an irish person wearing irish tshirts,

irish people dont constantly drink guinness,

i dont drink shamrock tea,

im not a leprachaun,

and barely any of us have red hair,

this thread just continues to prove how stupid american people are

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you mad? ^


Sorry CaCash, you done just used this joke but...


































































Also. O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly. GET IT?

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