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i rely on the bus in seattle. i dont have a car. its a good PT system, gets me everywhere in reasonable time, but damn i meet some real gems on the bus... share your transit stories.




dude is talking to me at the busstop, justmaking small talk. hes old but whatev. he asks me if im from around here, and i tell him ive lived here almost all my life. he says hes been here about 2 years now and he hates it. says:

"where im from, people have ethics, tradition, fuckin tradition. around here, people tell you what to think, shove shit down your thoat everywhere you go. people telling you what to thihnk, whast to do. its all this fucked up shit. this place is crawling with homos and men raping boys, women raping girls. im an orthadox christian, and around here theres so many damn religions i cant keep em straight but ll i know is none of them have any tradition or respect. theres no ethics, no morals, just a bunch of homos and queers."


so i ask, where are you from? expecting him to be from the south, somewhere religious and closeminded. where was he from though?







think about that.

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later that day, differant bus, theres three girls sitting in the very back so i sit a few rows ahead of them. i can kinda hear what theyre saying but im trying to just look out the window. i get the iddea theyre talking about guys and boyfriends, they are going on about some relationship problems. them i overhear this conversation:


"i wouldnt have a problem with it if it didnt taste so bad"

"tell m to clean theyre shit up"

"i know, the first time i went down on a girl, i could smell that shit by the time i was at her stomach and when i got up in her vagina, i opened my eyes and shit that shit looks nasty!"

"i was with this girl once who loaded on the perfume down there, like juiced up her pussy with it cuz she wanted me to eat her out more, but that wasnt any better. tasted like i was eating lotion"

"what happened to just good hygene or just putting a little scented spray on your thighs, not jamming the bottle up in your vagine"

"some girl actually wanted me to do that to her once, and then up her ass. she was on some kinky shit."

"all i know is vagina tastes nasty but suckiing cock isnt much better."

"you guys are so lucky, ive never done kinky shit like that. i really want to though"



um. what.

i look back and theres the three girls, about 17 or so, just going on hella loud aboutt eating vagina.

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saw a dood get stabbed at a bus stop.


i saw a lady using her 4 year old daughter as a cover/for hiding while she did lines of coke right next to me, and all the while her little girl was just being nice the mom was like "shut up, just stand there and look for cops for mommy"

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the bus takes me over the bridge

drunk as shit - at 4am.... for 1-3 bucks, depending on the driver


it's usually a nice mix of interesting people

last time i had a gay black man talking to me, not flaming gay --but homosexual

really cool dude, but he kept hinting that he wanted to get off at the same stop as me (/nohomo)


i was drunk and laughed it off

then i went home and had sex with a female in an attempt to wash the gay off.

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later that day, differant bus, theres three girls sitting in the very back so i sit a few rows ahead of them. i can kinda hear what theyre saying but im trying to just look out the window. i get the iddea theyre talking about guys and boyfriends, they are going on about some relationship problems. them i overhear this conversation:


"i wouldnt have a problem with it if it didnt taste so bad"

"tell m to clean theyre shit up"

"i know, the first time i went down on a girl, i could smell that shit by the time i was at her stomach and when i got up in her vagina, i opened my eyes and shit that shit looks nasty!"

"i was with this girl once who loaded on the perfume down there, like juiced up her pussy with it cuz she wanted me to eat her out more, but that wasnt any better. tasted like i was eating lotion"

"what happened to just good hygene or just putting a little scented spray on your thighs, not jamming the bottle up in your vagine"

"some girl actually wanted me to do that to her once, and then up her ass. she was on some kinky shit."

"all i know is vagina tastes nasty but suckiing cock isnt much better."

"you guys are so lucky, ive never done kinky shit like that. i really want to though"



um. what.

i look back and theres the three girls, about 17 or so, just going on hella loud aboutt eating vagina.



That woulda been fucking hilarious if this same scenario occured but instead of it being edoggg that turned around to see who was talking it was one of these bitches grandparents. :lol:

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I like to observe people, but most of the time they're not interesting. It depends on what time of day I ride on the bus. I know certain routes at night are usually poppin' off, but it's just rowdy kids. I pay them no mind. But sometimes you have the occasional bum who passes out in the back rows and pisses himself so much that it runs down the aisle. And that was at two in the afternoon.

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i puked on the train once and the lady sitting next to me looks at me all crazy and walks away. bitch didnt even care to help me out.



Help you out??? What the fuck you some bum ass nigga puking on the bus right next to her. I'm sure she was just trying to get out the way of your hepatitis puke-splatter.

What the fuck was she supposed to do? hold your hair back for you???

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