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Crossroads in my Life (help me out!)


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Just cause no one seems to have noticed this...


Kid is in Ireland, we don't have a GED, either you get your Leaving Certificate or you don't.


And also, I'm not anti the apprenticeship root, but seriously if you can't stick the last year of school you won't stick a four year apprenticeship (esp baring in mind that they ALWAYS find a away to drag it out to avoid paying you, incl. extending probationary periods and just plain firing you)

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Know this, and it's not an insult when I say this, it's the truth.

Every 17 year has their head up their ass. Every single one of them. You just don't know shit yet.


It's good you are wondering what to do, but don't look at things in terms of wo made more in a year. Look at it like this.

What else can dude do when his body wears out and the seasons are slow?

If you're educated, things can get hard also, but you have a better chance in switching fields later on than you do with a labor job like painting and decorating.

Just go back to school, be smart, keep your head own and learn your ass off.

Later on you will thank me for it, and agree with my opening statements.

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im 22. i have about 2 years left in college. i started out with going for business . but now i dont think im going to do that. because honestly that shit sucks.


i plan on taking time off and living like a broke ass. but i have saved money and i am prepared for what is to come. i do plan on finishing school by the time im 28 though. i just want to travel and explore while im still young.


finish high school mang. i mean why not?

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im 22. i have about 2 years left in college. i started out with going for business . but now i dont think im going to do that. because honestly that shit sucks.


yea i went out for a business degree. i passed my econ courses really easily but had alot of problems with financial accounting. i decided not to do business once i got to managerial accounting that shit is no joke, i figured most of those kids will be punching numbers the rest of their lives so i decided to fuck off.



fuck everything. fuck careers man seriously. only a few methods of monkey making really apeal to me.


i like trading commodities buy low sell high in other markets blah blah blah, i also want to get into real estate maybe be a property manager and eventually collect rent checks, i also have this dream about moving overseas for a year or two and being a bartender and just get wasted every night. im good at selling cars too, got a few friends hooked up in that line of work so i might get into that. been fuckin around with applying for work at the airport, maybe working for the security niggas hunting down hadjis.


edit: i also want to infiltrate my cities metro system by getting a job at the local Muni yard as security, or maybe a driver, etc. then being able to catch a few shots in the yard when no ones lookin. but thats just a long shot fantasy.

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bassically im at a crossroads in my life,

Im 17 and ive been suspended from my final year in school,

I cant decide if i should go back to school so i can go to college,

or if i should leave school and become a painter and decorator with my cousin,

the thing is you dont need any qualifications to become a painter or decorator,

so people think its a shit job and its badly payed,

but my cousin has made more in the last 2 years then a family member i know whos been a teacher for five years,

what do i do 12oz?!!?!?!?!?!?!?


look dude, honestly, and i know i dont know you like that

so dont take this the wrong way but if u drop out

your fucking dumb yo... im 17 myself, and NOW what I have to go

through in school.... EVERY DAY i have to be escorted to each class

by a hall monitor, i have night school tuesday, wednesday, and thursday

till the end of the year, i have 2 gym periods back to back, i set a

record for the most tardies in a semester, im in the office almost

every other day for the same stupid bullshit, im on pass suspension meaning

i can only go to the bathroom or anywhere else during the passing period

and if i get caught in the hall during class, BAM im stuck in in school suspension...

am i quitting? HELL NAW...

think of it this way, yeah your cousins painting job makes good dough

even if you dont need qualifications, bam u got easy money in your pocket,

but if your finish school and exceed the qualifications of that job

you can easily make double and possibly triple the amount you would've

gotten paid without qualifications... like nigga its your last year honestly yo,

why just quit? its not even that long to go honestly i got like 3 and a half

months left in school... and even if i pass this semester and night school, ill

still be able to walk at graduation which is the only thing that concerns me,

but ill still have to come back and take a semester of summer school... then ill

be getting my diploma around august or so... why you might ask? cause last year

i was on some dumb shit and never went to class and got suspended all the time,

and now this year every little thing i do they wanna fuck me over cause of how

i was last year... and i regret the shit i did last year, it was a real stupid move of me,

but dropping out for a booty ass lil painting job would be an even more stupid move of

me if i was in your position... no offence dont take this the wrong way this might just

be a angry rant of miine cause ALL of this happened within a week and ive been in a reeeal shitty mood.....

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