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Absolute Skinny (NSFW)

Ski Mask

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that shit is disgusting. i cant imagine how anyone could find that even remotely attractive.

bones arent sexy. and thats about all these girls have. they just look dead.



theres gotta be all kinds of health problems these chicks deal with. theres no way they're healthy enough to have functioning immune systems.

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no these chicks bones arnt sexy but i think collar bones and hip bones are hot... but on a girl with i dont know, some flesh on her



these chicks make me want to toss my cookies



agreed about the collar/hip bones for sure.

i cant say im a huge fan or real skinny girls to begin with, even by regular standards. just being able to see a girls ribs is unattractive as far as i'm concerned.

but this is just for guys with eating disorder fetishes or something.

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i hate fat people.


Wow... that's just ignorant.


Are you saying that everyone you associate with is thin or fit? That even if you were friends with someone who was thin and became fat you would distance yourself from them? I suppose you wear tight clothing so as not to appear to be even slightly overweight.


I'm not a fan of skinny women but I don't hate them... I just wish they would eat some fries or something. And I'm not a fan of fat folks either but I don't hate them... I just wish the would put the fries down.

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Wow... that's just ignorant.


Are you saying that everyone you associate with is thin or fit? That even if you were friends with someone who was thin and became fat you would distance yourself from them? I suppose you wear tight clothing so as not to appear to be even slightly overweight.



everything i say gets taken so seriously. how is it ignorant to dislike people who (for the most part) are enormous because they're lazy? i recognize there are exceptions to people getting fat uncontrollably, i saw my mother get huge when her thyroid stopped functioning--i do recognize its not always their fault. more than 9 times out of 10... it most definitely is.


as a matter of fact--yes everyone i associate with is fit. if someone in my group got fat that would mean that they stopped hanging out with us and have thus distanced themselves on their own. my "crew" (used loosely) cycles, runs, climbs, hikes, swims, etc together. we are health conscious and watch what we eat. all of us work atleast full time and still lead very active lives.


the only fat folks i've called a friend in the past few years was my drummer, and my buddy who wrecked his back and got lazy and depressed during rehab.


i do not feel bad about not having fat people within my immediate circle of friends. fitness is important to me.


i use the word hate perhaps too freely, but this is the internet and the only place i'm serious is crossfire--except the fat thread there.


oh, and i wear clothes that fit, the only thing i wear thats truly tight would be a couple of my tees or various bike gear.

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