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What are you doing with your tax refund?


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what kinda music you playing on that bass? my bass player jsut got the 5 string of that in champagne color, thing sounds eggshellant!


little bit of everything. Really trying to be more of a well rounded player. Running through the Chili Peppers newest album right now. But yeah that bass is fantastic for the price. I wanted to get that MusicMan but it's like 3x the price, was gonna get a Soundgear but that Jazz bass sounds SOOOOOOO much better.

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i'm pretty much sharing my frend's drumset, so i'm taking it upon myself to get new cymbals since he plays mostly punk and doesn't care about cymbals that have gigantic cracks in it, (right up to the fucking bell) however i like to play blues and jazz. so i need to get goddamn an entire set, but last night the rude series of cymbals sounded REAL good when i was trying them out. i'd have to put a little more time into it, and maybe try it with a real set instead of by itself, but they seem like a sure bet right now. as far as recording equipment, probably a small digital recorder. my basement used to be used by big D and the kids table as a recording studio, so it's all set up as a recording studio and pretty much soundproofed, it's just a matter of running the wires at this point once we get the shit to do it.

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