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Tony Scott is doing the Warriors remake

earl broclo ESQ

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so i've been hearing about this shit for about a year now. i'm sure most of us know the classic movie "the warriors." if you don't --quit sleeping.


it was made into a video game a couple years ago.


well, now there is a remake in the works, and Tony Scott is supposedly directing it. Tony Scott (Ridley Scott's brother) who directed movies like "Man on fire" and "deja vu," is remaking this classic, and is setting it in Los Angeles.




Does anyone have more info or opinions on this?



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they shgouldnt have even done that lame coimic book directors cut bullshit either



that movie should only come as a stolen vhs from tower videos rental selection,



yeah, i agree.


it's almost like hollywood thinks that kids today can't appreciate classic films. so they need to "modernize" them in some lame way. sort of the way ted turner was colorizing classic b&w movies.


it's classic for a reason. if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!

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if they want to do a gang movie out of cali that's fine.

if they want to take the general premise of the warriors and modernize it, that's fine too. lame and unoriginal, but i can deal with that.

BUT, to call that film a remake of the warriors if just plain fraudulent!


sorry, but the warriors is NYC. if they remade it the right way, it could be bad ass. but alas, that will never happen.


fuck hollywood and their unoriginal bullshit.

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