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Hello, Scientology. We are Anonymous.

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Guest shai_hulud

So I got caught out in the rain last night riding home, and now I'm sick today. I think I'm gonna try to sleep it off.


Good thing it's a Sunday and I don't have anything to do or anywhere to be.


And, it looks like some of the sites that got shut down late Friday/early Saturday are getting their shit together.

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Anonymous - I'm sorry


Hello Anonymous readers of my blog. You may now me from the drama I have caused in the last day or so, after posting those forums that Anonymous has wanted to keep secret, relating to bringing justice to Scientology. I posted it because I wanted attention from Anonymous, I thought it was going to be simple. Just post and delete later when I get a rise. But now I realize, who Anon really is. They are a force not to be reckoned with, no matter how certain I am, they have everything on you. They can ruin your life. Possibly because of my sever that had a lot of my info on my School Schedule, and the fact that I realize anon is not a Who, they are a legion. Unlike me, they do not work for fame or work as oneself to get individual fame, they bring justice to the internet. They are not international terrorists, they do not advocate violence at real life raids, they are a legion, they are Anonymous. One person cannot make a difference, but going together as one legion, acting as one person (in a way) can change the world, for the greater good or however they see fit. They will not take it easy on people like me, who insist on rallying against them, pissing them off and getting Attention - taking them aware from the justice Scientology needs to be given.


So, I apologize. I am sorry, I am sorry for the trouble I have caused. Sorry for those who found out about your forums and activities, sorry for impeding your progress on Scientology. I am sorry for my advocating internet censorship, and basically helping Scientology while you focus your time on me. My intentions were not to help Scientology, I had no intentions, just for the attention. I'm sorry I got attention in this wrong way, if I really want it, maybe I should go over to friends or something.


I'm sorry for messing with Anonymous for simple attention, they are not care givers, they have their duties as Anonymous, for whatever they may be. And I just screwed with them, sincerely, I apologize.


Fight anonymous, I know you will win and never accept defeat.


-Travis Nowicki (trav1085@gmail.com)

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Guest shai_hulud

Well, if you ever get bored, crunch, you can go have some fun at their expense. It's not unlikely that there will be a demonstration there in the near future.


Just make sure to go with someone with a video camera if you decide to mess with them.


Oh, yeah- it's the faculty you want to mess with, not the congregation. It will be apparent who the people in charge are.

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