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Lose the odor, Keep your lover!

Milk Grenades

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lets conduct an experiment.


i will not wash myself for a week at all, and each day after getting home from work i will rub my genitals all over my girlfriends face.


taking bets on which day she will break up with me.



scrape a nice wad of frumunda cheese and spread it on a cracker for her. :D

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MGO sounds like a fancy name for "dick cheese" as far as i can tell.

i'll never understand peoples' lack of interest in hygene. and i mean overall hygene

nothing bothers me more than when a woman appears to be hella dime....has a major defect. may it be a weird ass foot problem, or bad teeth/breathe funny acne ect. ect.

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marketing wise, this is pretty genius

theyve more or less invented a medical condition for which they have created a new cream.

it tackles what could be a mans biggest insecurity, saying that his cock should smell like flowers

and then just sit back and let the money roll in from all the poor suckers who dont shower properly and want a quick easy fix

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