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Yes officer, I'll grab my ankles...


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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


I got pulled over once leaving cape cod going 110 in a minivan..and the cop asked me how fast I thought i was going. I told him..around 90...maybe more. And he preceded to give me a written warning for going 70-75 in a 65. He said he appreciated me being honest with him and that I should be glad I didnt flip the car.


That was a good day.

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


No fine?


My dad got pulled over for going 80, and got to pay 100$


Im telling you my dude eastbay cops especially in the far eastbay, concord,walnutcreek that area the fucking cops dont have shit to do. I swear if i decided NOT to stop and initiate a chase theyed probably give up and pull over the next poor sap going 80 instead.

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


I have to drive in NYC for work and I have to say its a better driving style here after you get used to it.

You can't get a traffic ticket here unless you really fuck up, parking tickets are a different story.

If I move somewhere else, I'll have to relearn how to avoid all those unnecessary bullshit tickets.

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


its very similar out here in SF also, the speed limit on the highways in SanFrancisco are usually 50, everyone drives at 75mph. ive yet to be stopped for any moving violation in the city even when in the presence of the police. im also very polite. teh cops out here just hate teh brownz.

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


I resent the comments about Mass drivers.. It's the Connecticut drivers like SomeJuan that you gotta be weary of



You know that you guys are known as "Mass holes" right?


I've heard that term in multiple states when refuring to Massachusetts drivers.


It has alot to do with the fact that yall seem to have absolutely no concept of lanes.


Yall just drift all over the place as if there's no lines in the road.

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


People from Massachusetts, NYC, and Maryland drive like crackheads too.


But what's with the whole talegating thing?

Yall do that shit like it's a sport.

Yall will litterally speed up to a niggas rear bumper and shit.

What are you expecting to happen if that person has to hit the brakes?


And what's with this thing about speeding up to block someone from changing lanes as soon as you see their turn signals?


i'll plead guilty to that, just cuase im used to taxis pulling in front of me then stoping to pick someone up, i usually cant go around cause cars in the other lane are doing 40mph.

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I got pulled over a day after 911 for running a red light and dude threw me on the ground at gunpoint until he realized I was an american citizen. He was like "man, sorry...you don't know what kind of pressure we're under right now" then he said..If I was you, looking like that I'd go home and not come out for a while".

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


You know that you guys are known as "Mass holes" right?


I've heard that term in multiple states when refuring to Massachusetts drivers.


It has alot to do with the fact that yall seem to have absolutely no concept of lanes.


Yall just drift all over the place as if there's no lines in the road.



Hahah I guess that's true


I'm usually good with lanes, but my alignments fucked up, so I tend to drift a little bit lately....

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Re: Yes officer, I understand...


Im telling you my dude eastbay cops especially in the far eastbay, concord,walnutcreek that area the fucking cops dont have shit to do. I swear if i decided NOT to stop and initiate a chase theyed probably give up and pull over the next poor sap going 80 instead.


none of those places are 'east bay'



please stop lumping those shithole towns into the category.

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