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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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I rarely go to Goulburn, actually. We used to take a coffee stop there on the early morning drives to Syd but struggled to find anything but shit coffee. 


The Paragon in the Blue Mountains being closed was a catastrophe for me. It used to be a handmade chocolate shop that was a fantasy world for me as a kid and my mum used to go there as a kid too. Nothing stays the same forever though, just got to be thankful that I got to experience it when it was around. 


Yep, wedding was in Murrurundi. Quaint little place with some artist and muso joints starting to grow up naturally. Will likely be a cool place in a few years, something like Berry or Kangaroo Valley.  Heaps of horse studs around so there’s money there, weekend money from what I could tell. 


Avoid Musswelbrook at all costs. That place is like a town of living dead. Absolute hole!



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hear you on Muswellbrook.


 try the paragon cafe in Goulburn next time you're there.


Got the whole 1950's vibe going on booths mirrored wall etc. but not done retro actually original.


 The coffee will be dire but I like it anyway since the menu is also pretty 1950's.


 that being said it's been 5 or so years since I was last there

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On October 15, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Fist 666 said:

Those were yesterday at a Bonsai Convention at my local arboretum. There were so many great specimens, I've got a few more pictures to post when my connection isn't shit. 


A lot of them were what I imagined @Kalashnikov's bum tree were supposed to look like. Or of Enid Blyton's faraway tree.

Bon's Eye!

Image result for bon scott eye

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As a teenager, I used to do odd jobs for an old Jewish doctor who did bonsai, it was pretty neat he had me help him graft some trees in the yard and his wife would make us sandwiches and play klezmer music at lunch. She treated him like shit and in hindsight, the reason he tolerated it may have been that it was the beginnings of dementia but I did not realize that at the time. A few years later I went back by their house to visit and it had been torn down and replaced with three or four of the early 2000's model McMansions and now they are probably dead.


Seems like a nice hobby though, I do not recall the details but I think if you run into a dude selling bonsai on the side of the road or a craft market you need to be wary as often they are just baby juniper shrubs.


I am trying to take a couple pics with my phone everyday, being the modern age and all.





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No, I was stopped for the hardware store across the street. There are a fair amount of similar strip joints around but I do not have the motivation to explore them, I am too busy on the hunt for cookies and pizza. Does have that grime credentialed look though.  

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had a strange combination of day off  and kids at kindy/daycare so decided to go for a crusie to check a freight spot out of town.


misread time table so yard was empty.  Not great after 100km's


but found a painting spot (why the fuck did I not even bring a single tin of paint with me GRRRRR)


towards melbourne 



towards Adelaide




feeling pretty gloomy about the empty yard and the lack of paint. wasn't even a place to go buy a couple of tins without a 40k round trip but I'll come back


solar farm under construction looked really interesting but didn't want to attract too much attention as I was trespassing at one point while they were off loading a huge battery.





pulled into the little town to get a drink and saw this guy



mosey'd on home to find this waiting for me one of the UK's best writers. 

fucking Impressive book. 



 then did the dad thing for rest of day.


 this morning geared up to drop kids off and go to bench some freights before work.


but mistimed it and they went across.


shitty photos but there was a cop car a few back so wanted to be discrete. Thanks sun for always rising in the east really added to my pics.








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couple more pics from the backyard since I had a coffee out there.

 apple tree is blossoming which is good


new fruit and old fruit on the orange tree




Pomegranate starting to flower



strawberries coming on like a dream since I put the beer traps in place.


 yesterday we got about 20 good sized ripe berries off . last year we got about 20 period

 beer traps going gangster on the slugs and this was then little one the big one had two inches of slugs at the bottom



 Tomatoes starting to come in okay I have 5 plants in different varieties in this year and fingers crossed we get a a lot more than last year.

My inlaws got nearly 250 pounds of tomatoes off about 8 plants last summer they had tomatoes coming out the wazoo.



 broad beans also going mad. these are really satisfying to grow because they yield heaps but since the family all hate them I'm now growing them for the cute vegan receptionist at work




 Ive got potatoes and brussel sprouts in the next bed but far out brussel sprout they went mad so they'll get removed on weekend

I'm a fucking amateur when it comes to growing stuff . just shove it in and try to remember to water it.





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6 hours ago, misteraven said:

Damn, looks like a full on addition? In the middle of some electrical upgrades and small build out myself.

Not really an addition - converting my detached garage into a small one bedroom apartment 510 sq. ft. 


I have a friend who needed a place and offered to bank roll a project if I was willing to give up the space and allow him to live rent free for a period of time. My dad has been a general contractor for years so he is helping with a big portion of the work, I am helping where I can and we have a couple subs too.


@MercerYes - that thing was fucking proper. Proper as hell for 6$

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