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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Suki my cousin was there at pride.

He asked me for your number before he left but I forgot to

give it to him :(

I am surprised you wore those earrings...since

I remember you saying you had a fear of dangling ear accessories. (no homo?)

They look nice on you lady.


i should have called him while i was there but as you can see it was so very crowded and i was pooped and wanted to go home early. tell him i say heeeeey. i tried overcoming my dangling earring fear so i can rock your gift.

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Nice too see you Suki!


gays.. I have some gay friends and they are some of the most awesome people i know. NO HOMO! They act like normal people tho, not like total faggots.

But i still think its nothing to be proud of!

What did you do to become gay? To be proud of something you have to work for it.

Example: I am proud of my son because the niggah finished school, has a good job and a hot girlfriend. Good job son!

People dont really work hard at being gay. You are just gay, nothing to be proud of!

Not trying to start a crossfire battle here, just my 2 pennies.

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nice flicks MOS did you catch those off those shoreline ferries that tour lake Michigan?


I got a 32foot Donzi.




















No, but i was out on one of the boats at the pier. Got the hook, never pay free food and drank.

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So I met up with Marco yesterday... I didn't take flicks of everything but here are some on the way to the game:





Nom nom nom... It was decent but nothing like they say.


Way up cuz I'm way broke.. Better seats next time Marco.


Hell yeah.


He didn't fall even though I wished he did. But I shouldn't wish things like that.


So we got to go down to the field to watch the fireworks show. I was totally geeked out about this. Fuck yeah...




Show was simple but dope and you're right there. Not more than a couple hundred feet from you.


Exit through the bullpen. Good night.

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So I'm not the only one who reads this thread as "Your Day in PIES!"



Did it used to be named that? Cause I have no idea why I read it that way.


I don't



I don't quite remember exactly when or why, but at one point a while back there was a lot of talk about "pies" in Channel Zero. I think it was about DAO's fingerbaging skills or something. Anyway, lots of thread names where changed, and the "Day in Pics" thread became "Day in Pies".


Anyway, everything went back to "normal" after the 12oz Crash version 6.2

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^^ Marco going with IOU to a baseball game is epic experience no?


I had family come in from out of town.

We went to san francisco and did tourist stuff.


Morning cigarette.

I am suppose to be a quitter.



Arguing tons about direction.

C: "Just follow the GPS and you'll get where you need to go."

A: "I am trying but this damn thing-"

C: "It's never wrong. You’re just incompetent. FOLLOW THE RED LINE!"

D: "Make a left here."

C: "Is that what-"

A: "Which way? I thought it was-"

C: "Follow the-Look now you just missed your turn. I should have driven."

B: "You’re making her nervous."

C: "I am not making her nervous. If she would just..."



I tuned it out after awhile.



Got lost. My aunt was screaming at innocent by standers for directions.

My cousin was still screaming about listening to the GPS.







Gift shop for crap.

A: "We should get this for mom."

D: (laughs) "I wonder if they got it in paper. Maybe that's cheaper."

A: "Let's go look."





I wanted this.



They decided to eat at hard rock cafe



but then my aunt looked at the price:

D: "WHAT!? 20 something dollars for a hamburger?! Let's

go aint no hamburger in the world worth that much."

E: "I think there's a che-"

A: "Twenty dollars?"

D:"Hurry let's leave before the waitress comes back. Twenty dollars.

I cant believe that."

My family is big on frugality being close to godliness and exagerating.



D: "Im gonna come live with you C. when I get old."

C: "No you’re not. I am sending you to an old folks home when that

time comes."

D: "Oh...Ok. Just give me my cigarettes and beer and I'll be happy."

C: "NOPE. No beer, no cigarettes, you’re going to get put on a diet too.

A healthy one. So you live longer with little to no medical expenses."

B: "You are not putting my auntie in a old people home."

C: "Yes I am."

I don’t get why someone would put a relative in a retirement place

with some fancy diet and no cigarettes so they can live longer.

It doesn’t make any sense to me. I can’t piece the thought together properly

but...to some extent sending someone to live with strangers (to me)

means you dont really care how the hell they're living if at all.






This is the NEMO tank. I wonder if that lil' guy is a midget clown fish

or if the people that work here keep putting in a new baby clown fish every so often.








Fish tunnel.







Starfish poop?

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This little guy was going crazy jumping out of the water and such...I was curious:

B:"Excuse me ma'am...(a lil louder) Excuse me ma'am."

F: "Yes."

B: "Why is this lil' guy jumping out of the water like that?"

F: "Oh. Sometimes they will jump out of the water to see

what's going on. They can hear everything above water.

It's still a baby so it's very curious."

B: "Oh. So it's ok?"

F: "Yes. Just curious."

B: "Ok. Thank you."



I want one of these but they poop 200 times a day.

That's a lot of crap to pick up.



They couldn’t figure out how to get to china town so this guy offered to

take us for twenty bucks. My aunts got a kick out of that. I was

doubtful this chariot thing would work

since there was five of us and my cousin is a pretty big dude.

B: "Sir are you certain you can do this? You're kind of a petite gentleman."

F: "Oh yeah it's no problem."

B: "There's five of us though."

A: "Banana shut the hell up and get in."

B: "I am just saying. I dont want him to hurt himself...Ok whatever.

If I fall off this thing I am taking you all down with me."

D: "Ta hell you are. Hey. How much money you charge normally for this?"

F: "Bout 25."

D: "You make a livin'?"

C: "Dont ask him that that's rude."

D: "Just wondering. Maybe I could get into this sorta bussiness."



I was scared.






















The fortune behind the cookie: "You must pay 50 cents for picture. Thank you."







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Walk to yuppie land to visit my grandmother.





I introduced my family to my grandmother. She is funny to me.

F: "And youre the aunt that raised...uh which one?"

D: "All 8 of them."

F: "Oh my. 8?"

Yuppie grandma’s friends: Gasps asdjashdjsa

A: "What my sister means is...we all helped eachother raise our kids together.

My kids, her kids, and our brother's kids. Our brother just needed more help (laughs)."

F: "That musta been-"

D: "Tough as hell."

F: "Yes. Yes. I am so sorry I didnt help."

D: "You should be. It was tough work."

F: "Well you guys did a good job raising her."

D: "Yeah she's ok."

F: “Banana have you talked to your mother lately?”

B: “No. Have you?”

F: No. I've decided the best thing

for me to do...for my life is to distance myself. (Gibber gab goes on for 15 mins)

Oh I am sorry I didnt offer you anything to drink. Do you need something to drink?

Here let me get you guys something to drink.”

Then everyone talked some more hippo chicken talk about religious eccentrics,shortcomings

and trips around the world. *yawn.



She served them Pellegrino (sp?).


A: “Banana what’s wrong with your grandma.”

B: “I dunno.”

C: “I like her.”

B: “You two are a lot a like. Systematic.”

C: “Nothing wrong with that. I should become friends with her so she can

take me to Guatemala and Burma.”

A: “She seems like a nervous wreck. You could tell by

how she kept touching her head and the tangent she went on about your mom."

D: “What tuh hell was wrong with that water she served us.”

A: “Yeah. I couldn't drink all of it.”

C: (laughs) “I knew it. Once I saw that Pellegrino bottle I said to myself ‘This isn’t going to

blow over with them very well’.”

B: “I don’t like pelligrino either. That’s why I didn’t take any.”

D: “Shoulda just gave us tap water.”

C: “That stuffs 6 dollar a bottle.”

A: “That’s probably why we don’t like it.”

C: “Probably.”



They got lost again because they didnt trust my

sense of direction.








B: "What the hell?!"

C: "It's to keep them safe."

B: "It's day time though."

C: "That's why they're wearing it."

B: "Did you ever have to wear that leash when you were a kid?"

C: "Yes I had to wear the lesh."

B: "I guess that's more weird than wearing a light reflective vest hm?"

C: "It is extremely more weird."

B: "Hey. Um. You're not serious about the whole old

folks thing right?"

C: "I am dead serious. I'll do it if I have to."

B: "You're serious."

C: "Yes."


B: "If you put my auntie in an old folks home

...I'll go to where ever you are and I'll

punch you in your face for being a jerk."


B: "But I suppose I shouldn’t make any promises for

the future right now...We'll cross that bridge when

we get there."

C: "Look at that sign over there."

A: /takes pictures, turns around and finds C. twenty steps ahead. Pussy.



We walked all the way here from chinatown so my cousin could go to Alcatraz.

No ferries where going there at that time. Pointless journey.

My calves still hurt.


So she bought us all beer to make us happy again.


Fu ling yu words of wisdom.


Some gentleman gave us bus tickets.


: )


Go home.

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New Kicks




Nextdoor alley




Proceeded to lurk








homies new kicks




Shopping for cold meats


best ever..




to acompany above




Also above




more drunkness



this guy was singing







sshitty toilet cubile pants



rap letters


flaming rap letters

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