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Quotable stuff you overheard

Dick Quickwood

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^ ahahahahaha


on the train............both were about 18-20...........


"girl 1: where does cancer come from?"

"girl 2: i think you're born with it. like everyone is born with cancer."

"girl 1: really?....i think if you eat vegetables you dont get cancer."

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These 2 dumb women on the BUS the other day. Talking about a belt she bought.


"i never usually spend money on stuff like tha but oh my god, it was worth it."

"How much?"

"Like £140"


"yeah it is black leather, really nice, like really tasteful, and smart, its really nice, and on the back of it, it has rivets that spell out 'California Dreaming', its really nice."


Basically $280 on a dumb shit belt.

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I didn't overhear it, but..


I was messing around with this chick at a party on boxing day,

its like 630 in the morning and i have my phone in my back pocket

and the keyboard lock obviously wasnt on because when i woke up and checked my messages the screen was like "qqjcnnkokkkkkzzzzzzzzzzzjfdslkjsjldsf"

and i had texts from a few people that said shit like, "man, that chick your fucking sure talks dirty"

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I work for an STD clinic so I hear gems all fucking day....


"Im here cuz my shit be drippin"


"I'm glad it was just Chlamydia...I thought it was going to be something BAD!"


" I like to shove wooden objects up my rectum....I cant catch anything doing that right?"


" Wait, my wife told me she caught Herpes from using a dirty tampon...."


" I dont want no fucking medicine...I finna give this shit right back to that bitch"


I could write a fucking book.....

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These are a few select quotes from beezies in my psychopathology class. Usually when something rediculous or retarded is said i'll write it down next to my notes.


"I had a friend who quit smoking!"

"Does that mean you can develop HIV on your own?"

"Will they get fat if the eating disorder goes away?

"I have a friend who eats alot and isnt fat, is that normal?"

"My friend went to the doctor and the doctor said he wasnt sick, but he really was!"

"I read with a bookmark!"

"Does the brain think on its own?"

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First day of Philosophy the Professor asked for us to say a little about ourself and why we were taking PHI101....so this thug looking dude sitting next to me stands up and says:


"I want to learn more 'bout Philosophy cuz many people say dat Tupac is one of da greates' Philosophers of our time....Im hoping that we get to cover his stuff too."

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I knew this kid who was the kid everyone in the our group clowned on all the time but was still allowed to hang out and basically just dealt with it. One time someone said something along the lines of "**** is so fucking retarded!" To which the kid said "No he's not! I mean, no I'm not!"

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Guest shai_hulud

"Dude, Iggy Pop was the coolest...I never freaked off with a man before, but that motherfucker could jump naked into a pile of human beings and not care where his dick landed. That's so cool." -My old roommate Kyle when he was drunk


"Yo, can you turn down the fuck?"- Same roommate, to our other roommate when he was having extraordinarily loud sex


"BEWARE OF PITBULL WITH AIDS"- sign on Kyle's door


Kyle is the coolest, as you can tell.

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some gems from a professor i had. not exactly overheard, but oh well.


"You're supposed to love Peeps on Easter. Fuck Jesus and all that other shit."


"Fuck Laura Engels Wilder. Lets all meet after class and piss on her grave and send her to another hell."


He also would constantly talk about how he was going to gas our entire class, since we were in some big ass science lecture hall with some gas spouts of some sort in the front of the room. And more than once he made comments about how much he hated the president of the school and how he wanted to kill him. Best prof i've ever had.

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