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i love alcoholics, they're the funnest people to drink with.



I don't know man. My ex room-mate was a real alcoholic. Like an AA type dude.

He was aight till he would fall off and start drinking again.

Then dude would be completely blitzed on Tequilla by noon and be breaking shit and yelling and starting fights with everybody, which usually ended up with him getting beat the fuck up.


I have crazy stories about my step mom too, but I aint even gonna go there out of respect.


Like Earmuffs said, there's a difference between drinking everyday and being an alcoholic.

I call myself a "nocturnal alcoholic" jokingly. I hope to never find myself anywhere near being a "real" alcoholic.

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haha this is hillarious. while you guys are addicted to stuff that makes you go crazy, fight people, wake up on curbs, etc, im addicted to something that makes me watch TV and play video games allll day and rarely leave the house. i dont know which problem id rather have. i geuss being a pothead helps me out sometimes, it mellows me and keeps me out of situations like waking up in ambulances, pissing myself, having cuts and bruises everywhere and not remembering them, driving drunk blacked out. those were always the best nights. when your car is parked perfectly in the driveway but you dont remember driving home. those were the old days. now i rarely do anything.


how do yall deal with daily hangovers? my hangovers are getting really bad. i used to be able to drink 40s of 211 and feel refreshed the next morning. now i drink a 6 pack of bud and the next morning i miss work, class, etc because i cant get out of bed.

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drinking a lot and being an alcoholic are two different things...


VERY true. Alcoholism isnt about how much a person drinks...its about how the drink affects them. Not in terms of how drunk they get or how quick it hits them, but the obsession behind it and the straight up misery that it leads to. Chances are, that if a person CAN just take a drink every now and again...that they dont have a problem. Its when the first drink sets something off inside of you..where you just cant stop. When your not drinking are you thinking about it..or planning to? I always used to wake up and swear to myself that I wouldnt drink or use some other drug all day...and by noon I was fucked up again. Eventually, it became more of a chore to me. Soo..if you arent sure if you have a problem..continue 'doing research.' And enjoy it while it lasts.


Best advice I can give.

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i geuss being a pothead helps me out sometimes, it mellows me and keeps me out of situations like waking up in ambulances, pissing myself, having cuts and bruises everywhere and not remembering them, driving drunk blacked out. those were always the best nights. when your car is parked perfectly in the driveway but you dont remember driving home. those were the old days. now i rarely do anything.



That reminds me of a funny moment after i walked out of the house (after a prolonged hangover) not remembering how I got home, and then seeing the car with empty schooner glasses on the dash

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signs of alcoholism:



-You wouldn't go out if you couldn't drink.

-the only people you really like hanging out with are your drinking buddies.

-sometimes you actually enjoy being hungover, and find it preferable to being straight. (if it's not the bad sort that equals pain until you go to sleep the next day)

-you black out often, and properly (none of this being able to recall fragments shit)

-the only time you spew from drinking is the next day, from a case of full-blown alcohol poisoning

-once you have the first drink, you can't stop.

-reading a thread about drinking on the internets makes you wish badly that you were getting drunk

-you know that driving hungover is 100x harder than driving drunk

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-You wouldn't go out if you couldn't drink. i definitely would like to drink when i go out

-the only people you really like hanging out with are your drinking buddies. what if all my buddies just like to drink everytime we hang out?

-sometimes you actually enjoy being hungover, and find it preferable to being straight. (if it's not the bad sort that equals pain until you go to sleep the next day) hangover is horrible

-you black out often, and properly (none of this being able to recall fragments shit) occasionally - but not often

-the only time you spew from drinking is the next day, from a case of full-blown alcohol poisoning never spew

-once you have the first drink, you can't stop. definitely maybe true

-reading a thread about drinking on the internets makes you wish badly that you were getting drunk nope

-you know that driving hungover is 100x harder than driving drunk uhno



I drink on the weekends, once or twice during the week. Sometimes more. It could be just 3-4 beers while I'm cooking or something during the week. Could be a bottle of wine. I like the buzz - who doesn't?


On the weekends, I get together with frieds or whatever and we drink. I usually get kind of loaded evertime.

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Drinking is cool but the "buzz" isn't all that great.

I can't just drink and be happy with that. I definitely need to smoke a bunch of ganja atleast with it.

The feeling of opiates totally pwns drinking though. I'm trying not to do that shit again though. Bad news.

I'm going to be getting drunk a lot more often now, because I switched to my other group of friends who don't do drugs but drink and chill with lots of bitches.

I'm glad I don't have much emotion and I can delete 5 people I've been friends with for 7 or 8 years out of my life that easily. Chyea.

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he wears a 34-36 pants

and xl tees. and size ten shoes.


i remember him in the skinny days.

it was ok. but now hes so cute cause hes chubby


Goddamn, me and Porc wear the same size pants.


I feel you mang, (NH)


I'm in that..."I'm not skinny...but I'm not fat" status.

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I've surprised myself quite a bit on how much less I drink nowadays, considering drinking was pretty much the cornerstone of my entire social life in high-school/college.


I only go on crazy benders seldomly, maybe once a month, and would much rather chill with a few beers or a nice aged rum on the rocks, which I do every weekend. Don't drink on weekdays anymore, maybe a beer or two if work was extra tough that day.


Not to say I'm out of the crazy binge drinking game, cause when it's on it's ON, but it's no longer the main goal in drinking for me.

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I don't like drinking during the day. I see drinking during the day as a waste of a day cause I like to get shit done and drinking tends to get in the way of that.

Plus I just don't even like drinking during the day anyways.

But I almost need to drink every night and have been doing so for the past few years.

I call myself a "douchebag".


We all agree.


And by the way, if you drink to get drunk every night, you have substance abuse problems.





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exactly, abuse and alcholism are different.

i'm really, really abusive.

however, i don't NEED any of it, i just really, really like it.


right now i'm in the middle of a "not drinking til xmas binge" because i was getting too wild on it. i feel good, way better during the day, but i am usually more irratable when i don't drink at all.


drinking is such a good release

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i drink during the day cause i aint got no fucking job.

but thats just me.

and i dont go full blown unless im out somewhere

just to get on other peoples level.

all my firends drink to blackout basicly.

but i still dont go that far. im always the one picking them away from fights.

or starting one cause they are too drunk to handle it.

but once the agression starts it doesnt stop. and those are the times i regret.

but latley. or since january this year i haven fought because of alcohol.

woo hoo!

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Sounds like me the last year or 2. Shit i just got a problem of not being able to get drunk and drinking real fast, or double fisting at the club. Then out of knowhere i'm a walking blackout. I function perfect and people that dont know me think im not even drunk. But my real boys no that i probably wont remember shit the next day.


I constantly wake upi asking what the fuck happen last night. After smashing my car up 3 times and getting in a shit load of fight in the club and after i think i have finally got it under control.


I got smashed one night and was walking out the club with a couple of my girls, and some guys came up to me and put there arm around me and said some shit to me, i guess i snapped and clocked one guy then got smashed on by about 3 guys. Woke up on the curb and was like what the fuck happened, my girls saved my ass supposedly pulling fuckers off me but you could have leaned on me and i would have fallen i was in no shape to protect myself. Shit made me realize that with so many haters out there they caught me slipping i got to much to lose.


Since then ive been chill when i go out and mostly get smashed if im at families house people i can trust. i been jumped 3 on one many times and never touched the ground shit was humbling and it happening like that was sobering.


Smashing my care didnt even make me realize that shit. I think i was a pretty bad alchohlic partying sometimes tuesday through saturday at misc bars and shit. I dont know how i even ran my business back then i was trippin.


you sound like a real peice of shit.

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ouch thats kinda harsh




i dont understand how someone can be drunk everyday. my body couldnt handle it, if i started drinking rigth now (2pm), i would probably be alseep by 4 or 5 and unable to binge drink. drinking during the day makes me feel really good initially, but suppper tired. if i drink during the day, im usually KO by night fall.


if im forced to drink all day (like in mexico drinkin beers at 9am in the morning), i have a headache by the time its dark and im dragging my ass around bars and clubs and not really having any fun.


the best part about being drunk is the first 2 or 3 hours, after that it just feels drawn out and tiring.



this is why i prefer the ganja. i can smoke at any time of the day and still be able to function and get shit done. i get no headaches or hangovers. i get no urge to piss in public, punch faggots, bomb in broad daylight, or do anything too crazy. when im high i get this lovely feeling of articulation, where i get to process situations and analyze alot of different things that i would not normally see. instead of just being blind drunk yelling and shouting and starting shit with people.

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We all agree.


And by the way, if you drink to get drunk every night, you have substance abuse problems.








Whoa poppy... I'm a "douchebag" because I drink every night? LMAO!


And what would you know about mantalk? You got your little heart broke by a 14 year old ugly goth chick and made a emo thread about it. :lol:




Get on my level hoe, before you ever try talking mantalk with me.

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