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earthquake in san francisco


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That shit wasn't that strong here in Oakland but it was hella long..I was sitting down and it started shaking, I usually get kinda paranoid but since it wasn't strong I thought I would just brush it off, that motherfuker went on for more than 30 seconds doe..so I went and got my lil nephew that was sleeping in the other room..We were all waiting for the aftershocks....We are due for the big one (no/homo)...Its been 18 years from the 1989 fatass earthquake...

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i was at work and i didnt even feel anything


but the niggas on the 9th floor said they did


i was on the ground floor and didnt even realize anything had happened until my coworker got a call from her moms to tell her about it and then she asked me


and i was like


"an earthqueezy?"



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Earthquakes are like alarm clocks out here..




im sayin'




by the time the quake hits


you suppose to be up cooking breakfast by then



























































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