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True Life: Im a Juggalo


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You're a fat methmouth retard with wheels on your house

you and your sweaty friends gather in a shed behind one of their mothers house,

inside that ham and scallion smelling building you fags roll pinner joints

and giggle when a fat chick pulls out her tittie/under arm fat.


You'll never be anything, waste away As a fast as possible.

ok.. ur point iiss??

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ok.. ur point iiss??


His point is...You need to stop thieving oxygen away from everyone else. You are a walking abortion gone horribly wrong. Please read these next few words very very carefully and do not think for even an instant i do not mean every bit of it. YOU MUST COMMIT SUICIDE. The last thing I want is more of you fucks around for my children to have to endure.

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ILB, it's not a troll. actually, it's actually a 14-16 year old girl who thinks she knows whats up, and that she is truly schooling us on 'the ways of the clown' (WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE).


i'll be honest and frank with you. go back to school, move out of the trailer park, and lay off the meth, possibly step away from a computer for a few years until you've read the dictionary/2nd grade grammar guides back to back..


This is what a pre-pubescent jugga(lette) looks like.




and my god is it ugly. it's only a matter of time until you graduate to going to the gathering of the juggalos, get your first stick and poke of some clown on your arm, and then totally fuck up your chances of getting a decent man, or decent job.


Nevermind. we both know that won't happen if you're into juggalo culture. sorry for getting your hopes up. but i hear that manager at burger king job is still open.

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Oh, and here's our troll, spilling out her heart onto the pages of 'dear diary'.


just confused about some things i guess. just don't know wutta do. i think i just need some help w/things. just need a juggalo family to be here w/me in person cuz i just wanna know if ders somethin wrong w/me. & no not like dat. i wanna know if a part of me is a problem or not. i wanna know if there's somethin dat can be done about it. i seriously need someone cuz i'm pretty damn sure dat i got SOME KiNNA PROBLEM w/me. i already mentioned dis to chadd like,,a couple or a few times but fuuck. i just don't wanna keep on bringin it up to chadd cuz i really don't want him gettin irritated at me. so yeah right now i'm just confused about things and just need some help or somethin. i know dis post is most likely aint gonna get read or anything but whatever. just....idk. fuckin confused. i hate some of me. it's like "what has become of me?" right now i think i'm just relatin to da lines off of dis 1 song from "empty promises -behind crimson eyes 'please help me, i'm yearnin. i want you to tell me it's alright. please save me, i'm burnin.'" like i said,,i seriously need a juggalette to come listen to my problems in person. i don't think i can trust any other girl dat -aint- a juggalette cuz dat girl is just probly gonna tell me lies & just say "it's ok, don't worry about it." & not be straight up w/me. i need someone dat'll tell me straight up if dis is a problem or not. i wanta juggalette dat'll tell me what i should fuckin DO to fix me. i don't want half of me dat i don't like to take control of da rest of me. i just....fuuck....i just don't know wutta do so i guess i'm just gonna stop typin now & just,,i guess wonder til i find da right answer. welp. peace out u all mmfcl,,& love & miss u all back at cali. c yaa.
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How much you bet j4l is a fat Samoan bitch in Hawaii... I say 250 lbs minimum, pussy smells like rotten poi in a stagnant coi pond



Man I wish I could be cool and original like motherfucking juggalos and adopt my behavior an appearance as such. It's great how you can do everything poossible to make people turn away from you, to the point of taking it so far as to wear weird ass clown makeup and swear every third word, just to get reactions from soccer moms and old people at the local win-Dixie


nahh actually imma skinny mix-racial girl. no samoan doe. or hawaiian or any of dat 'island race' stuff.

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just confused about some things i guess. just don't know wutta do. i think i just need some help w/things. just need a juggalo family to be here w/me in person cuz i just wanna know if ders somethin wrong w/me. & no not like dat. i wanna know if a part of me is a problem or not. i wanna know if there's somethin dat can be done about it. i seriously need someone cuz i'm pretty damn sure dat i got SOME KiNNA PROBLEM w/me. i already mentioned dis to chadd like,,a couple or a few times but fuuck. i just don't wanna keep on bringin it up to chadd cuz i really don't want him gettin irritated at me. so yeah right now i'm just confused about things and just need some help or somethin. i know dis post is most likely aint gonna get read or anything but whatever. just....idk. fuckin confused. i hate some of me. it's like "what has become of me?" right now i think i'm just relatin to da lines off of dis 1 song from "empty promises -behind crimson eyes 'please help me, i'm yearnin. i want you to tell me it's alright. please save me, i'm burnin.'" like i said,,i seriously need a juggalette to come listen to my problems in person. i don't think i can trust any other girl dat -aint- a juggalette cuz dat girl is just probly gonna tell me lies & just say "it's ok, don't worry about it." & not be straight up w/me. i need someone dat'll tell me straight up if dis is a problem or not. i wanta juggalette dat'll tell me what i should fuckin DO to fix me. i don't want half of me dat i don't like to take control of da rest of me. i just....fuuck....i just don't know wutta do so i guess i'm just gonna stop typin now & just,,i guess wonder til i find da right answer. welp. peace out u all mmfcl,,& love & miss u all back at cali. c yaa.


holy shit. that was the most painful thing i've tried to read in my life.

yes something is wrong

the solution is pretty quick, too.

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