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Diebenkorn is amazing. I find his work very moving in person. The use of color and layer was very forward for the time period. Although I am a bit biased. My first real painting teacher introduced me to the Ocean Park series when I was 17 and it really struck a cord. I paint nothing like RD, but I love the idea of an exposed under painting. His figurative work doesn't get as much shine.... but it should. I always thought Wayne Thiebaud was the opaque version of Diebenkorn.



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shit, that's fresh.



so the other day i'm wandering around the Tate, in london, cause you know, i do shit like ball outrageous. anyway, i check out half of it, don't care for anything, then from way across the room i spot was i believe to be a twombly. personally, i dont really care for his stuff, but i know beardo does, so i atleast have a cursory understanding of it. anyway, i checked em out, and decided i liked 1 of the 3 they had.


we then go down to the bookstore, where i look at some random artist books, puzzels, crayon sets, lawnchairs and anything else they can attempt to market.

me: 'yo, can we please go now? art fucking gay.'

not me: 'of course'

me: 'cool, we gotta find a bathroom first'

not me: 'ok, i think if we take that escalator, thats the floor we came in on, and there's bathrooms there'

me: 'um, we just passed the floor we came in on. quick, jump'

not me: 'shut up'

me: (turning towards the top of the excalador, looking at whats ahead) 'holy fuck'

not me: 'what?'


three rooms filled with abstract work, the first of which, which is visible from the escalotor, has two giant newmans. as corny as it is, i was like a giddy fucking kid. i just stood there, staring that them. im not sure what sort of magical experience i was expecting, but it was pretty rad. i dont believe ive ever seen one 'in real life'. i may have at the philly museum, but it was before i really fully appreciated it, so it doesnt count (like going to another country when you're 3). i fully plan to go back alone so i can spend more time geeking out on them. perhaps ill remember to get photos.


in addition to that, they also had an entire rothko room, filled with paintings that were not the gay ass 3 stripe paintings he's so famous for that i dont like very much at all. these werent exactly my favorite either, but they were huge and no 3 striped, and that made me like them. there was also a clyfford still wich i was stoked on, cause he's another favorite of mine.


anyway, that's my contribution to the 'abstract thread' for the week. and probably the month. im not really in any position to be doing any painting, so unfortunately it's gonna have to wait. i am however balling outrageous, so fuck it. conscessions get made.

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Thought I'd add to this thread, not really on the same level as most of the abstract work in here and I wouldn't know who those people Seeking spoke about are. I'm experimenting with some abstract on paper, I never really knew colors just got lucky a few times. Trying to get this style worked out before I hit a canvas.




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Nice Merc. Try a study with same style where you break up the designs for composition purposes or increase the decrease some shapes. I like the idea, but i think it needs some more composition meaning, it looks to uniformed to me like a design or wallpaper. Nice design or print, but breaking it up a bit will really bring that line work out.


But nice, sorry if its too technical.

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Yeah more negative space or create negative space by making some fill ins bigger. Its hard to see cause i its so uniform, but it needs to look unique and negative space is great a showcasing nice line work.


This is nice though, just try it as an exercise you might find something in the exercise to add to your original design.

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I did not like Cy Twombli for a long time, but after a few years of regularly going to his building at the Menil Collection, I finally came to really appreciate some of his stuff.



my favorite is this one (I can't find a better photo, but in person it is pretty breathtaking):





Newman is pretty fuckin rad.


Him, and Rothko have been large influences on the way I conceive of conceptual transition, not only in art but other fields as well.



anywho, good story seeks.


Poesia- that sketch up there is some of the best from 12oz i've seen in a while.

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oh, and caption for the photo:


Cy Twombly at Cy Twombly Gallery in Houston in front of the gallery's largest painting, "Say Goodbye, Catullus, to the Shores of Asia Minor."




I think it is no coincidence that artists such as him and Rothko focused so heavily on the relationship between aesthetic representation and Greek Mythology. While I dislike much of Rothko's early work, his focus on Mythological figures and forms is much like a lot of Twombly's pieces.



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