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the un official workout thread


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dont even fuck with noXplode.


get the muscletech naNOx9 NO formula pill. the absolute best NO pill on the market. trust me.


read up on "nano-diffusion" technology, its not just some company hype, its proven.


Wonder if Gliks still stands by this product?

Anyone ever try it?

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fuuuck i was just getting ready to start p90x today and my shoulders got a pretty bad pain in it. again. is it worth trying to work out or should i just Waite for shit to heal up ?

also ive never used supplements so if anyone has any advice on that it would be helpful as i see alot of you seem to use supplements and protein bars.

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i've been using noXplode for about 2 weeks now.

its alright, i get a bit jittery from it. probably will try something different once this pack is out.


i've also used muscletech's nanovapor, they feel pretty similar to me.


if you get 'em on sale they're worth it, if not, i dunno. not totally hyped on the stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just joined a gym, im trying to get my arms bigger and lose a lil belly fat.. so far i have been doing about 20 minutes cardio and any arm exercise i can find i do enough weight for about 3 sets of 7 reps. just started on thursday so only been there twice any advise on what to do im not trying to look all crazy built wit a 6 pack and shit cuz i love food way more then getting in to shape like that.. good looking on any advise and ill stay watching this thread of any other help full tips,

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trying to get your arms bigger in mass and at the same time losing belly fat is going to be impossible to accomplish.

pic one or the other.

if you have no muscle mass you might want to build some mass first before getting rid of excess body fat. but if you are 250 and big but have some body fat... try losing that first and you should have some decent muscle mass underneath.


i would drop the arm/belly mentality and just do a full body routine or a upper/lower split routine. you'll get more results. believe me. for conditioning push a prowler or drag a sled, jump rope or if you like longer cardio sessions a tread mill/etc is cool


if losing body fat... make sure you keep your diet in check otherwise you will have a super hard time seeing abs unless you are genetically gifted.

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i just got me a sweat band to wrap around my tummy while working out, because i've always had a lil belly.

no matter how many crunches or how much cardio i've done, or how fit the rest of me is, it still remains, albeit a lot smaller than it has been in the past.

this russian broad i work with who trained with an olympian coach put me on to it, i'd never heard of them before.

but it is the business, i really feel the difference after just 2 weeks.

i've heard if you're trying to get really defined muscles they're bad, but i'm not aiming for a six pack.

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just joined a gym, im trying to get my arms bigger and lose a lil belly fat.. so far i have been doing about 20 minutes cardio and any arm exercise i can find i do enough weight for about 3 sets of 7 reps. just started on thursday so only been there twice any advise on what to do im not trying to look all crazy built wit a 6 pack and shit cuz i love food way more then getting in to shape like that.. good looking on any advise and ill stay watching this thread of any other help full tips,






It seems like people with that attitude don't ever last long at the gym.. so you might have to tweek your attitude a bit.. but dont get me wrong, I love eating food, but I also love working out. So you're either serious about working out, or you aren't. And that takes about 6 weeks or so to figure out.


-Do compound exercises (bench, squats, pull-ups, etc).. exercises that work whole muscle groups


-Try to workout ALL your muscles equally. http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/... not just upper body. thats stupid.


-FOCUS ON YOUR FORM. It's way better to use perfect form than to heave and hoe and squeeze out another rep or two.




This may help too.....



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lol well thanks to all and van i will do with the plates back on rack thing i wasnt to sure seeing as everytime i got to a machine there were plates there already. and i will stick with upper body work outs instead of just arms i did alot of fitness and weight lifting in high school so im not in bad shape. i just have been slacking and want to either lose like 10 pounds or turn it into muscle. i basically just joined to stay in the shape im in and not get worse. im a driver so all i do is drive and eat fst food which i know is horrible for me. thats y im doing it. well thanks again

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