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Dear ________,


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Guest shai_hulud

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear City Of Berkeley-


Why did you shut off my water without telling me? I was about to take a massive dump. Now I have to go to the taqueria and do so. Also, you are fucking with my weed butter plans. This will not abide.


Continue with these utility shenanigans and I will go h4x0r all the computers at the library. Data vipers and keyloggers galore. Goatse and Tubgirl desktops all the livelong day. Changed passwords. I have the power. Bring back my H2O.


Fucking fuck you fucking fucks,


The Maker Of Death

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SneakandCreep,

You know about the Pizza Thrash Party this week, huh?

The Metalocalypse one?

You're going to miss out on tons of fun.

Hopefully I don't vomit.





Dear Bloodfart,


Yeah, I heard the news. I also have season one of Metalocalypse. I wish i could join you, but you live so far away. Hopfully you wont wake up with a rock and roll clown.....




he does cocaine.


yours always,


- Sneak

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Guest shai_hulud

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Lower Lip-


Can you be just a little bit stronger? Some girl was talking to me tonight and I went all vacant (not your fault, I do that when I've had a drink or ten) and she said that it was "cute" that there was drool coming out of the corner of my mouth.


Get it together, pal. You know that there's two potential fists attached to this body and that it's not afraid of self-abuse.




The left-right-left-right kid

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Guest shai_hulud

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Shut up-


Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up. And start shutting up.


Thank me later,


Dr. Tight Lips

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear kids,

You know I enjoy our study trips and all of that.

But can you please stop getting me sick?

I still haven't gotten over the last time you got me sick.

Now I have a sore throat.

And once again, I will have to tell some dude that we can make out if he is willing to risk getting a sore throat.

He will more than likely not care.

Still, I don't like always being sick.

It makes me look bad.

And feel worse.

Stop being so germy.


Tired of being sick


Dear eatso,

Come down this week.

Bring that other guy.

He is friends with the friend you are going to be staying with at that Fun Spit house.

We can all PTP together.


Bringin' The Ruckus.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Me,


You're the mother fucking man. Good shit on sticking to your plans and now being able to live clean and not feel sick anymore. Thanks for not beating that shit talking pill fiend's face in with your baton and just giving him the money you owed him so he would go away forever. Now everyone that was trash is completely off your cock, you got everything on lock and shit is lovely. Oh keep up that fucking habit of staying dipped in fly gear cus how many bitches clocked you this morning? Atleast 12.


Dear Coworkers,


Thanks for calling out today. I feel so much more relaxed when I don't have to have the steady thought of how you are all probably sitting around like lazy fucks while I do more work. I'd rather just be here myself and do it all myself. Especially the one fuck, you REALLY annoy the fuck out of me sometimes. I try to act like it doesn't out of pity, but inside I cannot help but to think how retarded and naive you are. Rofl.


Dear Boss,


Fire these niggas and let me collect how much everyone gets paid all together. I can do as much as we get done in a day just by myself. Word.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dr.pepper machine at work,

I really appreciate you taking my last dollar, me being so thirsty and all. I hate third shift.


Dear Newbie,


Dr. Pepper is the dopest drink.


Except for that berries and cream crap....that shit sucks.


Vanilla & Cherry all day.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear rain,

You can't hold me down.

I asked you to go away.

You didn't listen.

You think you can keep me cooped up in this house?

Well, you are dead wrong.

Me and my bike have a date with excellence tonight.

And we will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn't get ruined.

No love,

Make out fanatic

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