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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear FR,



Im just trying to show little dude some culture...


I am a scientist as you all know and imagine how dope it'd be


if he got a taste of what


we have to offer... (no homo)


where Im from Goatse is all the rage and im just trying to share that love





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cold Weather - This shit is crazy. I think its about 35 degrees and I'm cold as fuck. I can't even fathom what -2 is going to be like.

Dear Mitch,

Cosigned. I think we're in the same city, and winter is definitely here. Word on the street is snow in the next week. fuck that noise. My bald self doesn't like this cold.





Dear free Dethklok show tonight,

You are going to be metal as fuck and i am going to be wasted. This looks to be a promising Wednesday night.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Torn,


Cheer up. things can always get better


-Mr. Happy


Dear Porc,


today was only semi fucked up, reason below.



Dear fatass coach going through manopause,


I can smoke across the street from the high school if I damn well want to.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bananoo,

you wore a grill and youre not even from the bay?

thats dope


not jocking or anything,




Dear Cali-g


I am not that far from the yay area like 2-3 hours but I feel like I am far enough for it not to be as big as it is here. It just looks like they are all hoping on the band wagon scrapper.

No hate on hyphy just for my town making it a trend- B.Fish






dear peyote:


I suffer from Insomnia as well the only thing that seems to work is alot of benadryl, refer, or lullabys. Sleep is important I hope you achieve it.


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