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Dear USAA,


How the fuck did my fucking pin number change? I have been embarrassed now on 5 separate occasions by trying to use my bank card and it being declined. I know for a fact that theres money on it. It won't even let me do credit transactions.





P.S. Expect explosives in the mail...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Dear people who made guitar hero,


This game is awesome, but I have been playing this shit all day and my hand now hurts.



-Sneakius "The Hero of Metal"

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dear san francisco department of public works,


thanks for once again destroying one of the safe havens for graffiti artists in sf...fortunately now thanks to your stupidity the graf will force its way even harder on to the streets..its not like fighting the crack epidemic or curbing the prevalence of used heroin syringes throughout the city would be beneficial...no the citys dollars must be spent to buff art all in the guise of keeping the shit laden crack den of a city clean

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dear friend,


if you send me any more texts like that, i will not hesitate ignoring you again.



the catface



dear slut customer,


thanks for telling me to turn down the music, because it's hurting your brain.

eat shit and die.


love always,

your friendly neighborhood barista who gives you decaf every time.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
Dear Crazy Ex- Girlfriend,



Please do not drive to my house and bang on my windows again.


Hating You,



Dear Spitfire,


I could help you with your problems, just tell your ex girlfriend to come to my house.








p.s - if you dont want to do that....there is always murder.

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Dear Souja Boy,


Thank you for creating ignorant music that inspires southern blacks to dance in unison. (God I love watching black men dance in unison.)


Dear Youtube,


Thank you for hosting homemade videos of the aforementioned parties in their living room while their grandfather is laying on the couch trying to watch tv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fie7EUm0FDg


Dear Southern Blacks,


Thank you for "cranking dat." It's been emotional.




Lady E :spent:



Dear Guy in the Black Wifebeater,


Thank you for busting your ass. You made my day yesterday. I've replayed you over 12 times.

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