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Dear oontz folks...


Anyone know where chopsticks works in London?


I'm doon here for a couple o days, was thinkin' aboot seeing if could get something done by him...


Dear sun...


you're just taking the absoloute cunt...


Dear weemin'...


Where do you all go when the sun isn't oot?



Dear A Tribe Called Quest...


That was as amazing as I had expected and more, if I never see another gig in my entire life, I'd die a happy man...


Rolf Haggis

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Dear Ex,


You're an absolute shitcunt, you've left me technically homeless as of the end of the month with your antics that have wiped a ton of my cash out, and I hope your stupid, tiny dick (and yeah sweetie, not only was it a shit size, you knew fuck all about what to do with it) contract something and fucking do one.


Watching you rot to death of syphilis would make me super happy right now.



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dear asshole who broke into my car,



you're lucky that i didnt catch you in the act and beat the shit out of you.


i hope you got really pissed off when you realized i dont keep any valuables in my car and the only thing you came away with is about 60 cents....not enough to buy shit you bitch ass motherfucker.




p.s. i hope you get herpes on your asshole and cancer of the throat.

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Dear Cali - that fucking sucks. People are shitty.




Dear Ex,


[i feel calmer for all that ranting]




Dear everyone who stopped me buying a hammer and taking it to Essex last night,


Thanks dudes.




Dear TDB,


Try and let this go, rant and rave and lose your shit verbally.... I know it's fucking hard, but if you need to use this place to just fucking lose your shit, do it.

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Dear Customers at my job,


You are all a bunch of worthless pieces of shit. I've never in my life seen a more disgusting group of people. If I can smell your funky ass BO through 3 inches of bullet proof glass that's a mother fucking problem! The same goes for your god damn breath! It's fucking bullet proof for god sakes your stench should not be able to permeate through that shit! Put down the pipe and wash your ass every once in awhile. I know you got money to buy soap that's why your in my fucking face.


Thank You

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Dear B,


I really hope things are over with us this time. I'm so sick of going back and forth with you, its been a year and a half. I promised myself I wouldn't fuck with you when I got back from Mexico, we see how well that went. But I love how now your acting like the victim (LOL). I'm glad I spent all my money in Mexico on myself I deserved it and honestly at this point you going back home is probably what's best. This town isn't big enough for both of us and I'm certainly not going anywhere!!!

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dear newsgirl,


u get buck in mexico?


sincerely, ^o^DB^o^


Dear DB,


Fuck yeah, I don't ever want to see another bottle of tequila again! If you ever go to Cancun I highly recommend going with an all inclusive resort. It's a little more expensive but like the bell boy told us, you literally can drink as much as you can walk and then some. Which we found of was really true when they were nice enough to wheel my friend back to the room on a luggage cart for us while we stayed at the bar and drank.





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Dear newgirl,


Stay strong lady. Just about finished going through that shit myself.


Repeat - life will kick their ass so you don't have to.


Dear Decy,


Thank you x10000000 for, well, everything. Plus the rum. Not long now.


Dear Fish,


I love you, bro from anudda mo. Lookin forward to being in the same city as you ahain.





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Dear newgirl,


Stay strong lady. Just about finished going through that shit myself.


Repeat - life will kick their ass so you don't have to.



Dear ThatDrawingBitch,


Thanks, I'm really sick of the bull shit and yes you are right. I just need to learn to be happy with being alone. I can't keep doing this to myself. The two best, most productive years of my life were the two when I was single.

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Dear MyNewGirl,


What is an acceptable time frame these days after a date backed up by a date the next night? I've been out of the game for what seems like so long.


The curse of the overthinker.





Dear Protester,


I'm just a little confused by your question but I will tell you this, if your dealing with a real woman fuck all those stupid rules and time frames. I like guys that keep it real with me and say what they really mean. I played those hard to get games when I was younger, but now I like guys that are straight up! So if you think your dealing with a real woman that can handle it, go for it!


Sincerely Yours,



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Dear NewGirl,


I was indeed speaking of my newest interest (didn't know how closely you follow the forums), who is very much real. Just a play on words with your recent bursting onto the scene. Excuse the confusion.


I am sure she can handle it, and I really shouldn't worry, I know she's strong enough to just say "that's not really what this is about" or similar.




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Dear NewGirl,


I was indeed speaking of my newest interest (didn't know how closely you follow the forums), who is very much real. Just a play on words with your recent bursting onto the scene. Excuse the confusion.


I am sure she can handle it, and I really shouldn't worry, I know she's strong enough to just say "that's not really what this is about" or similar.





Dear Protester,


Other than creeping around on the alcoholic thread, today is the first time I really began to enjoy channel zero, and enjoy I definitely am lol. Especially as I'm now drinking alone my posts should be getting more interesting if I keep going. But, I think you should do just fine my friend and if she can't handle it she's probably not worth it. Who want's to play games any way? Ain't nobody got time for that!


Sincerely yours,



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It's not gonna be as hot as Throw Yo Handz Up, dude is still doin things. As the comment says, dude will prop never be on a top 10 chart again, but he's still around.


dear red,

Top comment: "petey put NC on da map but he prolly neva make another hit song" :lol: :lol:


dear newgirl,


welcome to ch 0! and keep benching, new life around metal heads or ch 0 is always great.


- inj

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dear newgirl,


welcome to ch 0! and keep benching, new life around metal heads or ch 0 is always great.


- inj


Dear Injury,


I've been meaning to tell you thank you for being a gentlemen and not asking me to show my tit's on my thread over on the metal head side. I don't really give a fuck, but you get mad props for that in my book!


Thank You,



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