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dear big ass woman of reno





just beacuse i am a bigger person does not make make my a bbw lover toy. i dont hate but when u are pusing my wieght you need to step off my toes that shit hurts.. and bbw dose not make make u pretty or even close to being my type......

i am not hating but damn can a big boy meet something he likes ....... grrrrrr



pissed off souls




need that at least 60-100 pound buffer.


Dear work

give me days off during the week so I can do what i want to do.

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FUUUUUUCK YOU. all i want to do today is relax, smoke bowls, watch football, and do homework now i gotta clean up your (now dried and crusty) vomit? FUCK YOU. i bet it was the awkward ex-convict chick who said NOT ONE WORD to anyone.

fuckin buzz killington bitch.

and hey honey- chew your food more. youre disgusting.






Dear E-rrrritated Doggg,

My bad. I promise not to puke like that again. I just like partying? What can I say?

I'm sorry boo, I'm sorry.


Humbly yours,

Santana Blowing Chunks All Over the Drive Way Not So Mild Oner

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Dear CaliG and Suki,


Feel free to do the sushi challenge without me. I don't think I'll be able to get out there anytime soon, and don't want you guys to miss out on the fun. I mean, someone's bound to sue them for mercury poisoning, and have the contest shut down. I don't want to hold you both back from trying it before then.


So take the challenge, take flicks, do your 12oz thing. But by the power of Crom, I will make it out there if that exists.


Now eat a fucking torta!


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dear woman in the shop tonight trying to haggle for goods...


the fact you were so retarded made me nearly fuckin' piss my troosers...


"how much are they?"


"they are three pounds each"


"NAH NAH NAH NAH! that's waaaay to fuckin' deer... i want three for a tenner!!"










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dear milky,

are you inside walmart

shooting your gun off?

<3 ssn


dear chris,

i has the flu but perhaps

we will see each other tonight.

<3 ssn


dear caligula,

there's a chance i will be in

sac sat night after work.

won't be able to stay long since i work sunday morning but

are you gonna be around?

it's been so long since we chatted, it's long over due.

<3 ssn


dear flu,

you're back?!

last night was a nitemare.

thanks for the fever and the sweat.

almost took my ass to e.r.

</3 ssn

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dear ssn,


honestly, you are the 4th person asking me to kick it on saturday night.

my exgirlfriend wants to kick it, my homegirl wants me to come to her bday party, my other homegirl wants me to go to her halloween party and you want to kick it!


this makes me sad...i really want to hang out with all of you, but i made halloween plans with this girl im seeing almost a month ago :( :(


this sucks.



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