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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear troop


get it!! pull the "hey can i get a double tall vanilla latte extra hot and your number?" he'll reflexively say "sure"

i guess if he says no, you can always tell his manager he groped you and drew a latte-art penis on your coffee.




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Guest NeverBeenBetter

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear New Orleans,

I buy drinks from you and you give me free shots for buying said drink? Awesome!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girl from last night


if you aren't a closet slut with a drug problem or haven't blown half the city i may be very interested in you. if you can look past the fact that the girl who you know me through i have slept with many times.


-real name

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear oontz,


How can i get my crazy fucking mother in law to understand that it is NOT cool to invite herself over when ever she pleases? This shit is gonna cause some seriously unwanted drama if i have to fix it myself.




*edit - details - my parents are comin into town, only get to see them like 3-4 times a year. Mother-in-law hears this and invites herself to join us for lunch and whatever else afterward. She has also invited herself to come to the gym with me in the past, and i immediately changed plans. That shit's just weird, y'know... basically workin out with your motherinlaw. wtf?!? It continues, but i'll stop with that.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear REA,


maybe try explaining that you have a schedule that isn't conducive to random drop in visits and a phone call before hand would be really appreciated.


best of luck dealing with that shit,




to the edit- fuck knows dude, maybe you just gotta be blunt on this one and explain you want to spend some time alone with your parents as you rarely get to see em.


she's gotta respect that, if she doesn't then i have no fuckin idea...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dude i met tonight


youre awesome :)

please dont prove to be otherwise when we kick it again, and sober... that would suck.

nah... im pretty sure youre cool






dear said dude


youre still awesome ;)





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear whomever,


just when I believe life us becoming better shit occurs. It's as if an outside force does not wish for me to be satisfied or content at any time in life. I won't incorporate details within this post because I don't really feel like it.. Yet here I am in such a typical situation


I'm laying here at 1am, when I have to get up again at 6 for school. I feel like a fucking pussy because I've been crying, but all this shits gotten to be a bit much and there was no other alternative. My feelings for this one girl also continualy grow yet I'm terrified to take a chance, knowing I'll mre then likely get shot down.. On top of that i would never wanna lose her as a friend as it is.


And as if any of this other extra shit wasn't enough to fuck life up my family just really isn't helping anythig. From painnin the ass grandparents, smartass unsupportive aunts and others, and a continuously manipulative and unhelping father, where the fuck else to I go to vent..


Fuck it all u don't even care to vent an more.. I'll go continue to cry pathetic streaks of thick water onto my pillow as u try to fade into a depressive sleep. Maybe someday all this bullshit will straighten out and I won't feel so heartbroken..




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



you sound like you are still pretty young. sorry if i am wrong. Don't sweat that shit, they cum and they go. One day there will be a good one, and you probably won't expect it or be ready for it, but don't let it go when you realize it.

and quit that crying and do something productive with your emotions.



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