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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sook,


the korean bbq is STILL frozen that shit won't thaw.

we are prepared though.

got the george formen grill and made some

carne asada tacos.


they were good.




dear milk,

you just made me laugh so hard. korean bbq carne asada tacos, wtf? that is genius.

<3 ssn


dear earl broclo ESQ,

GAY coleman is the bomb. time to write a new sitcom.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


...P.S. Ex girlfriend you should probably leave soon.

I am tired of speaking to you.









Dear punk face,

I hope your face hurts in the morniing.

I haven't broke my knuckles in like two years.

And you were the first in 2008 to

bring it in. I hope your knocked out face

feels as great as my hand tomorrow.






Guess she didn't leave fast enough...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear crooked,

hi back =)

<3 ssn


dear iou,

i hope you have a bad whisky hangover

asap. ha ha back to you.

not so loud, my head hurts.

<3 ssn


Dear Suki,


I hope you feel better. But still Haha..



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mcdonalds double cheeseburgers,


you two were fucking delicious.

usually you're slathered in grease.

but, today you were grease-free and delightful!

lets hope you sit well.


one happy twinky.




dear Milk and Suki,


when you guys get then lesbo-scissor flics,

pass them my way.


desparete twinkles.

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