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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Refrigerator,


You fucking piece of shit I hate you. I don't hate much in this life, but you I hate. My meat is all soft and wet and not in the good way. You fucking fucker and those fucker appliance people that can't make it out until tomorrow. Fucking fuck. My meat, my fucking meat is going bad. No one wants bad meat. Why have the meat gods forsaken me?? Have I not been kind to you in return?? Do I not honor thy meat properly with just the right amount of seasoning and wine and prayers?? Why????



The MeatleassOneRandhavinglessforXmasthisyear.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear edoggg,


if he makes you feel bad about yourself EVER, then he shouldnt deserve to be with you. no one deserves to have other make them feel bad about themselves unless they truly deserve it.


/girl talk


-toe cutter


dear toe cutter


best advice ive heard in a while. i might mention that theory to him when he gets home in a few minutes. this should be fun.


depressed /noemo







dear vaj


not that easy. i live with him.


still noemo


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tails,


Dude, relax.


Disrespecting your mom is not cool.


I understand that you don't like people standing over your shoulder...and neither do I.



But its her house.



"If you don't like it be quiet and move out ho"



Dear Bruce,


yeah i know....

ive just been under too much stress....

this weekend was the worst weekend ever,

i got 3 hours of sleep over the whole weekend thanks to 4 King Cobras,

and im on the verge of tears i got so much on my mind...

even if that makes me sound like a sweet ass or a puss,

whateva i just go too much shit on my mind to deal with...




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Unibomber,



and thanks porc...

but honestley,

i think you just need to know

whats goin on with me right now

to understand why i am the way i am now

and why im so mad and frustrated...

i just dont wanna spill everything out on Ch. 0.

but thanks for the support anyway i guess...



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


holy shit this dude just said something that didnt make me lose faith in the human race.






But really,


Dear Edogg,


Drop dude, you dont live with him, HE lives with YOU.

Or look at sketch dudes on sites and leave the window open.







And here I was this whole time thinkin edog was a dude.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Uni,


thanks... i hope everything works out as well....


and i dont know about sonic...

he became an alchoholic and does nothing

but sit in his house and sleep all day....

gets thrashed at night and runs all around town...





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear suki,


i got the threads confused. i'm drinking $5 merlot. please forgive me. i need to go watch some cable with boys that are drinking. call me when you come back here. we will be bff's.





dear shegrenades,

you know you can get CS bottles at trader joes for 2 dollas. cheaper the better and the headache too.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo






But really,


Dear Edogg,


Drop dude, you dont live with him, HE lives with YOU.

Or look at sketch dudes on sites and leave the window open.







And here I was this whole time thinkin edog was a dude.


dear torn


good idea with the sketch dude sites. i just might do that...


-plotting away





dear tails


youre not the only one. but youre all wrong, the rumors are true, i am a female. but think, geez, if i wasnt how awkward would i make this forum? :lol: :lol:


-still rockin the vajayjay



ps. good luck with all your shit, stress no joke. but the good thing about it is, stress/anxiety is all in your mind so if you can sit down and have a really productive conversation with yourself and think about things deeply, you might be a little better off.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear edoggg,


let us know how things go.



toe cutter


dear toe cutter


all went well i tihnk, he came home, i vented calmly, and explained that i was mostly upset because of the suspisions it provoked and how it encouraged existing suspisions. i told him im well aware that ALL guys look at porn i just dont like the thought of him meeting up with some skanky ho from a swank site. but we came to the conclusion that hes faithful and confessed that if either of us isnt deserving of the other, its him. which was nice to hear.



-still doesnt know how she feels about all this


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Edogg,



but to me its kinda complicated...

and other things around it just aint helping...

ive been thinkin bout shit since friday and i've

come up with almost nothing...

well you'd like to toss me some words of wisdom

on my situation get at me with a pm or something....

other than that im chillin for now...





p.s. female or male, it'd probably be the same.... still dope steelo in the battle thread...


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