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Dear ________,


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Dear the lovely people of channel 0,


I haven't been posting lately which usually means a new transition in my life. So this is my farewell day on 12oz for at least a year. So thanks for all the people on here that were cool enough to type words with me.


Ups to ...

Team Alco

The Mods

Shit the shit

Smash or Trash

Vaj, Catface, She

88, EB, Mauler, Some1, Ayebee


and to everyone else I forgot to mention.

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Dear Mississippi Mud.

Thank you for being so damn wonderful. I'm really happy to have a new favorite beer.

Love now & forever.VAJ


dear VAJ,


that shit is kinda nasty but the bottle is cool though.



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dear VAJ,


that shit is kinda nasty but the bottle is cool though.






I'm sorry I don't agree.


But it is fun to be the only person worth under $100,000 at the Central Market lugging that thing around.



Haha...$3 beer and $56 per lb kobe steaks. Ghetto Fab.



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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Dear Cthulu,


Today was an awesome day. I got recommended for promotion, I found sweet pants, I gots mad womps on turbos, my bank refunded me 300 bucks. Thanks for looking out for Sneak. I will put out some pancakes for you. You know what would top this day off? If that awesome girl would hang out. Thanks.



Your Pal,

Sneak "Makin It Rain" Creep

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Dear Jameson's Irish Whiskey and Lone Star Beer,

Why must you taste so delicious?

Why must you make me do mean things to people that I shouldn't do mean things to?

Is is because you are jealous of me spending time with people other than yourself and you just want me to be yours and yours alone?

If so, your plan isn't working.

Unless your plan is to empty my pockets of all my hard earned cash.

If that is the case, you totally succeeded, dude.

Thanks for the night.


alcoholocaust victim


Dear work,

Go suck a fuck.


Lazy Lifer


Dear Dude I saw get murdered in my apartment complex,

Sorry for laughing when I saw a little kid trip and fall onto your still-warm corpse.

Sorry the news man made it out like I didn't care about you getting stabbed.

Sorry I didn't go help you while you were still alive, I just don't like getting stranger's blood on my hands.

Sorry you didn't outrun the knife.

better luck in your next life.


A Horrible Neighbor


Dear House Guests,

Could you maybe like, make some money somehow and maybe bring some food into the house for once?

And could you maybe clean up after yourself?

And I know it's asking a lot, but could you stop making my living room smell like a hobo camp?

And maybe go catch some tags at night so we can make romance without you guys sitting in the next room, that would be super.


President of The Olde Fart Social Club.

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Dear Theo,

Jail ain't going nowhere.

I decided it can wait.

I have life to be lived.

And drinks to be drank.

Parties to be crashed.

House guests to be waited on.

Things of the like.

I remember how boring jail is and compared that to how exciting my life is right now.

And it just made more sense to put off getting an ID for another month or so.


Master Procrastinator

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