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Detroit gas station in one of the whitest parts of Detroit, 2 months ago:


"I dunno how you whiteboys do it where you're from, but out here you finna have to pay before you pump!"


"Yo, lower your voice... you're making this shit sound like some bunk prostitution transaction. I grew up less than a mile from here and I'm just trying to get some gas... black lady."


"Ahhlite, ahhlite! No need to get testy!"


"Would you stop yelling at me? I'm just trying to get some gas and be out. Here, keep the $.35 cents, I can't take being screamed at."

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Haha fantastic.

It is funny tho, the idea that 'nigga' is ok but 'nigger' isn't.

It is the same sound, but one is more acceptable?

If you say so nukkuh.


huh?? it's not the same sound. you must be british or australian if "nigga" and "nigger" come out sounding the same.

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