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4 months, not a single Promo Tshirt


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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


damn dude... nice work!


I cracked twice, but both times were on a beach, while boozing it up.

Hope you can resist that one, because I know how you love the beaches.


I'm on the edge man, i love them beaches and bitches love me

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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


yup, i quit at new years. I've never followed through with a resolution before, but i was so sick of feeling



like i was dying all the time. ten years of hard smoking, i can't imagine how much money i've squandered.


But yeah,


i currently weigh 230 pounds. effin whale. Just got my old bike fixed and rode about 15 miles today hoping


to get back to a healthy 200 soon(I'm about 6' 7")

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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


word, i quit jan 7th...i'd start smoke again but only remembering just how sick i was and just how much i suffered the first 10 days as a non smoker are holding me back. If i start smoking again, i wanna do it knowing that i won the bet, stayed clean, lost the weight etc etc etc just so i have something really good to destroy

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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


shut up. no it's not^


im like 2 and a half weeks into it and have been pretty strong so far, but it's really hard and i used to love smoking ciggarettes.




i smoked for 10 years. 7 of those being a pack a day at least. when i quit i just did it cold turkey and it worked. the cravings are only bad if you give them the attention they want. its all in your mind, sounds gay but its the truth.




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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


on top of that shit,


i really miss smoking. I can really keep on not smoking but the pshychological

side of the shit is stronger now than it was 2 months ago..weird


My neighbor got cancer a little over 5 years ago, they told him he had about 4 months left... so, he quit smoking and some other stuff but obviously with the smoking right?


He's still alive, we're all happy about that, but he told me that his ciggarette cravings probably hit their peak after about 2 years. He hadn't thought about it for months and suddenly he was dying to smoke... but he wasn't dying to die so he didn't...

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Re: 4 months, not a single smoke


Bump for dancing cats,


I quit cold turkey one day, for an entire year and went from 135 to 160 in no time. Started again a year ago and now I'm like stuck at 145, now matter how much I push myself I can't drop below it for some reason.

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