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The following sums up my saturdaynaught


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We also were at a nerd party. Some girls 21st who a friend lives with. At the beging of the night her mum took a photo of us and someone said "yeah they look like the most interesting lot here". By the time we got to conga line old people were shaking there heads at us and randoms were going giving us looks like "wtf". It fazed us very little.

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Originally posted by SilentBob@Apr 2 2006, 08:05 AM

We also were at a nerd party. Some girls 21st who a friend lives with. At the beging of the night her mum took a photo of us and someone said "yeah they look like the most interesting lot here". By the time we got to conga line old people were shaking there heads at us and randoms were going giving us looks like "wtf". It fazed us very little.



haha, I was at at shitty barely known girl's 21st as well. We could have been at the same place, if it wasn't for the conga line

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Originally posted by WhiteOx+Apr 2 2006, 09:46 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (WhiteOx - Apr 2 2006, 09:46 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-SilentBob@Apr 2 2006, 08:05 AM

We also were at a nerd party. Some girls 21st who a friend lives with. At the beging of the night her mum took a photo of us and someone said "yeah they look like the most interesting lot here". By the time we got to conga line old people were shaking there heads at us and randoms were going giving us looks like "wtf". It fazed us very little.



haha, I was at at shitty barely known girl's 21st as well. We could have been at the same place, if it wasn't for the conga line



What was her name?

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On a side note thanks to whoever changed the title. (Smart I'm guessing). It's much better this way.


Also is it really really immature that I like using the term "post world war one machine gun fucking" to describe sexual exploits? It more than likely is. Who cares.



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barbecue at girlfriends parent house



red wine

watched sydney go down to essendon in the footy

lift to train station

heart attack from giant spider dropping on my head half from behind the sunshade on way to station.

train ride home



Family guy


i will also consume any food product when drunk

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My buddies


Drive an hour to umass

Friend i havent see in forever Is a fat chick

Get pissed I cant bag her roomate who is blazing

Go to parties getting molested by fat chick

Fake me having a stomach thing so she doesnt feel bad that i left

drive home from UMASS for an hour at 430 in the morning

Get home punch myself in the face...

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i was like (to this girl whos butt ugly)

damn what time is it

oh its like 145am

ok i got like an hour or so till i have to leave. walk away come back 15 mins later

shits its already 3 am

i gotta go

*girl but its only been15 mins

yeah yeah whatever talk tot he clock

*points at phone

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Guest imported_Tesseract

Drunk 6 beers until 5 in the afternoon

no food

a powernap

woke up hangover

met my girl

drunk whiskey

started feeling weird

got back to her place

had sex

developed high fever

spend the whole night waking up from horrible fever-nightmares

fun fun fun

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Originally posted by Smart@Apr 2 2006, 02:48 AM

Who is Mister Brown?




Changed thread title


Passed out


(*the word 'Beer' signifies mass quantities, not singles... I knew a girl with mass quanTitties once, but that's another story)

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Woke up.

Sat around.

Went to work.

Got home,and the girl came over.

Chilled outside with everyone in the neighborhood

somone dropped there ipod in storm drain

some kid climbed down into it and swam around in filth up to his stomach

He didnt find the ipod after a few minutes

Went to wendys

came home lit glow sticks on fire

made an acid bomb and blew a trashcan up


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woke up at 12.


smoked herb.

ate some leftover thai food.


met up friends had some columbian grub. (carne asada status)


went to this sport bar to meet up these girls that are wairesses there.

enjoyed free drinks and free food

scotch on rocks. ( he-man status bitch)


vodka tonics.

buffulo wings, they were called fire crakers at this spot (delicious)

met up with my agent, drove his new BMW 745i around downtown for a while

smoked a fat ass blunt

stopped at this club for a quick drink, i think it was called o-lounge (i was hella blasted)

went back to the hood, to this local bar met up these girls we know from the local university

got our chine on right quick

go back to the my guys crib

smoke a little more

guinness tallboys

sleep for an hour

drive home


now it's sunday

it was a good saturday though

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can slingage.

watch pals eat on account of brokeness.

recommence lift-off

show,found a copper Deco on the floor&left after desired band played.


stumbled apon chill ass graff spots while sauntering around with my ace


and a successfull drive home.

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