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what's the craziest looking animal?


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I saw a cuttlefish when I was scuba diving in Grand Cayman.


I had never seen one or heard of one before.


Thought it was a fucking alien Oo


The first one I ran into made me flip the fuck out. It's a seriously confusing experience, this thing floating in the middle of the water with the craziest fucking colors swirling around, it looks absolutely unreal and it takes some time to understand what you're looking at.




Pictures don't do it justice. Imagine all those spots and stains travelling all over the body at variable speeds, the whole thing disappearing in front of you except for the eyes, then the two disembodied eyeballs move ahead a few feet and boom, there it shows up again with the swirling colors. It's fucking crazy.

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Re: what's the craziest looking animal?


They do it to either confuse predators or to talk to each other. If they're just chilling around, you might not see much craziness, but if there's more than one, it gets insane. They're both trying to hide from you and warn the others that there's danger. You wouldn't believe how fast those colors swirl around.

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