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A good woman is hard to find...

Spuds Mckenzie

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Originally posted by dubsface@Mar 24 2006, 12:18 PM

Also, good guys are hard to come by. I can only find shitheads in NYC and all the nice guys seem to live 100+ miles away. Go figure. Maybe I need to move...






i know a good one in nyc




good men are difficult to find anywhere

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Originally posted by dumy@Mar 24 2006, 12:21 PM

yeah, I got a sweet tooth..I just don't like cream and sugar in my coffee..I ate like box of donuts that some fool bought into the office this morning..



i have a donut problem

i will sometimes leave my house in the middle of the night to go for a ride to get a couple donuts


i ate two pounds of chocolate fudge this week too

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Originally posted by dubsface@Mar 24 2006, 11:18 AM

This is really fuckin biased of me but I really dont believe in bisexual men. I think its just a man who hasn't realized he is gay yet. Or just fucks with girls when he is drunk but is generally gay.

Bisexual women on the otherhand is different.


Yes, gats can be a politically incorrect bitch.




I think this a correct assessment..fuck being pc..

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i puked up ribs and apple juice last night....


and yeah wifey material is definitely not an easy find... but i got me a real good woman... shes beautiful, shes italian (the born in italy & speaks italian kind, not the americanized white italian girl with the italian flag bumper sticker kind), <-- so she can obviously cook... and shes cool as hell... and she works her ass off.... and she can do the damn thing in the bedroom...

*and she has really good taste in music... and she can almost keep up with me when its time to drink some henny...


and bi guys are gay...

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I like a cool chick, who's intelligent and confident in regards to their perception of themselves and also how others perceive them..regardless of how she dresses or what music she listens too..if she can present herself as my equal or partner then boom..she got that spot..


but most of the time trendy dumb looking bitches are just that..trendy, dumb bitches..


regardless if they rocking the A&B matching purse and sweater set


or the spiked belt and full sleeve tattoos..


true story


a good woman is hard to find

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Originally posted by -MOE LESTER-+Mar 24 2006, 03:48 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (-MOE LESTER- - Mar 24 2006, 03:48 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>HAHAHAHA HAVE FUN IN HELL GAYBOY!!







<!--QuoteBegin-Coffie Crave@Mar 24 2006, 03:51 AM

yeh the only gays that dont go to hell are the women bi's...cuzs well ya kno...something like that is a gift



Ignorance Ignorance Ignorance!!!<<


Did you know youer stupid religion followed by stupid people also condems most of the world to hell? Jews, Hindus, Bhuddas, Agnostics, Athiests, other kind of secular people such as myslef, Muslims, Tradtional african + chinnese religions, the native Indians,


All for what? not being able to accept a man named Jesus Christ (who is acnkowldeged as a myth by any Christian Historian, as he came from so many other previous religions) died for our sins (by either making us feel guilty or having our guilt relieved which both are extremely illogical)..


oh right, also gays because they cant help being attracted to the same sex lie you cant help being attcted to the opposite sex, you nimrods think ita a straight person choosing to be gay or something.. Wake the fuck up! open up take your fucking head out of your asses.. If there was such a place like hell (the one one of the Christian bible's describe) i sincerely hope it would be narrow minded Christians like your selves that would go (here you can see the motive for peope condeming hell on other people) :hatred: anyway..

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Originally posted by GucciCondom@Mar 24 2006, 11:38 AM

I have never once found a cute girl that knew anything about hiphop, which is key. I just can't stand dumb bitches who bump nelly and shop at american eagle nomatter how hot they are.



Move to Minnesota, Rhode Island, or Virginia. All they have down there are wanna-be B-Girls. As a matter of fact, I dont' even think they have dirt in Virginia. I think if you peel back the grass or the concrete it's just linoelum everywhere.

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Originally posted by dubsface@Mar 24 2006, 12:18 PM

Also, good guys are hard to come by. I can only find shitheads in NYC and all the nice guys seem to live 100+ miles away. Go figure. Maybe I need to move...





It's weird. All of my male friends are really good people and always treat their women (a little too) well. I think its way harder to find a sincere woman, especially in NYC.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

Bi is code word for slut. it just means you'll fuck anything with a heartbeat and you hae no standards...but in reference to bi men...


if you're a dude who sucks dick. you're a fag.


im not passing judgment...just calling a spade a spade...


or in this case a pole smoker a pole smoker


little stool on your tool fag boy???

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Originally posted by backfromgrave@Mar 24 2006, 11:58 AM

Ignorance Ignorance Ignorance!!!<<


Did you know youer stupid religion followed by stupid people also condems most of the world to hell? Jews, Hindus, Bhuddas, Agnostics, Athiests, other kind of secular people such as myslef, Muslims, Tradtional african + chinnese religions, the native Indians,


All for what? not being able to accept a man named Jesus Christ (who is acnkowldeged as a myth by any Christian Historian, as he came from so many other previous religions) died for our sins (by either making us feel guilty or having our guilt relieved which both are extremely illogical)..


oh right, also gays because they cant help being attracted to the same sex lie you cant help being attcted to the opposite sex, you nimrods think ita a straight person choosing to be gay or something.. Wake the fuck up! open up take your fucking head out of your asses.. If there was such a place like hell (the one one of the Christian bible's describe) i sincerely hope it would be narrow minded Christians like your selves that would go (here you can see the motive for peope condeming hell on other people) :hatred: anyway..






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Originally posted by Spuds Mckenzie+Mar 24 2006, 12:43 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Spuds Mckenzie - Mar 24 2006, 12:43 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-dubsface@Mar 24 2006, 12:18 PM

Also, good guys are hard to come by. I can only find shitheads in NYC and all the nice guys seem to live 100+ miles away. Go figure. Maybe I need to move...





It's weird. All of my male friends are really good people and always treat their women (a little too) well. I think its way harder to find a sincere woman, especially in NYC.



You're both wrong, everyone's full of shit.


Guys try too hard to cater to what women want instead of just being themselves and girls, well, girls don't know what the fuck they want.


Case in point: Every broad that's ever said they just want the guy who loves and respects them. If that were the case, a LOT more chicks would be dating the nice-guy dudes who worship the ground they walk on, but they cant' because they want the (proverbial) peacock with the prettiest feathers. Instead they chase after cockheads femme-males that are incapable of caring about anyone other than themselves... and then they wonder why there 'are no nice guys'.


Part of being human means being able to rise above the primal instinct to expect the best and realize that we're all flawed to perfection. Average chicks should look for average guys if they want to be treated the way they deserve to be treated, simple.


Everyone just needs to get over themselves. Myself included, chumps.

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mmm yeah I agree on the whole guys who are bi are really just gay thing.

It's messed up but



Everyone's a mess nowadays.

and I think good guys can be found in new yawk...they just go to comic and video game conventions. Or can be found on the top floor of forbidden planet playing magic the gathering for hours.

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a hard woman is good to find....



























































































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...well, good women are abundant. its just a matter of havin enough skill to steal them from...whatever/whoever they're with. on another note. what about a PERFECT woman? everyone wants a 'perfect woman' ... perfect is different for everyones' standards. so i'll say this much, my idea of a perfect woman, is my current gf, if she never talked unless i told her to, and had beer & steak flavored nipples.

that is all.....

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